Hosuh's Family

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Stephen's POV

Hosuh's hugs were the best and I was so very grateful to be apart of one. We didn't talk on the way to our class. He just clung to my arm and remained silent. Which was reasonable. I thought about ways to cheer him up and I had a few ideas after school.

"Hey Hosuh, do you mind if you send me your address later? I wanna do something for you..."

He looked up at me with his wide beautiful blue eyes. "Uh, yeah sure! You really don't need to do anything for me though..."

"Hosuh you deserve to be treated better. I'm gonna do something whether you like it or not."

Hosuh giggled in defeat and rested his head on my shoulder. He was a little too short, so it just barely got up there (shut it, ya nasties). I walked Hosuh to his class and he gave me a smile and waved me a goodbye. He was adorable I thought I was going to explode right then and there. I walked to my class and wrote down my brilliant idea...

~Ahaha time skip I'm sorry~

I got in my car and pulled my phone out and looked at Hosuh's discord message. It was only going to take 6 minutes to get to his house. I was really grateful to live in a small city. Everyone knew everyone and it was a quick drive anywhere. I stopped by the store on the way there and picked out some mint chocolates along with some pocky. Nothing too big, since I was guessing what Hosuh liked. On my way to the checkout I grabbed a small wicker basket to put it all in. When I got to my car I tried to organize it all nice for him in the basket. I'm not a very creative person, to this was the most difficult thing I have voluntarily taken on. With some difficulty, I made it to Hosuh's lair. In my mind this was just a nice thing I though I was doing. Now, I was at Hosuh's doorstep, about to pee my pants. I held the basket against my hip and rang the doorbell. I few seconds passed and I heard a lock buckle on the other side. When the door opened, there was Hosuh. He had put his hair up into a little bun, and had the hair in front of his face pinned back with a little bunny clip. I was for sure blushing now, and there was nothing I could do about it but have a gay panic. You know, plus some. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

I think Hosuh noticed, because he giggled. That totally made my situation better.

"Hey Hosuh! Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah actually! He didn't try anything else so thank you," He looked down at the basket. "Did you really-"

I nodded and smiled.

"Aww, Stephen you're too nice, you know that?"

"It's nothing, really! I just thought you could use it after being harassed on your second day. Plus, I'm your friend, your stuck with me now."

Hosuh laughed as I handed him the basket. "Wanna come in for a second? I want to introduce you to my family!"

"Uh, yeah sure!" I nervously walked into Hosuh's house. I knew Hosuh was cute, but his house followed the same example. It was perfect for a small family. It was open with little arched doorways linking one room with another. Hosuh walked up the stairs, and I awkwardly followed. At the top, Hosuh took a turn and walked into a room. I lagged behind him a bit, and when I caught up, I was met with Hosuh's room. It was a small pastel blue room with a full sized bed pushed against a window. On the opposite side there was a reach in closet with a desk lined with art supplies next to it. On the walls were pinned paintings and drawings Hosuh had made, and little fairy lights above his bed. He had organized adorable plushes on his bed, lined up from biggest in the back to smallest in the front. I was too busy admiring his room to notice what Hosuh was doing. 

"Hey Stephen~!"

I looked back at him to see he was leaned over with his hands behind his back. With a stick of pocky in his mouth. Holy shit he wanted me to do the pocky game. I wasn't ready for this. I knew I loved him already, but he had just met me, and I didn't think he was ok with the possibility of kissing me. I was so nervous and caught off guard. My face was crazy flushed. I decided, what the hell. I have this opportunity and I'm going to take it. You only live once. I walked over to Hosuh and began to lean down to him. I was really close, and it made my face even more red. I took notice of the little freckles dotted on his face. Could this boy be any less attractive? He backed up and giggled.

"Stephen- what are you doing?" I noticed that he as well, was blushing.

I jerked back up. "Huh? What do-"

"I was gonna tell you to come meet my family silly~"

Oh my Lord. Of course. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I read that so so so so wrong.

"O-oh. Um, of course! Yeah!"

Hosuh turned and walked back downstairs. I purposefully stayed a few feet away so my face had some time to go back to it's normal color. When I reached the bottom of the stairs, Hosuh was coming my way with a really tall woman linked around his arm. Her black hair was pulled back into a low ponytail that laid over her fluffy cream sweater. I saw her blue eyes sparkle with anticipation as she approached me.

"Oh! You're Stephen! Hosuh talked about you a lot about you yesterday! I'm glad he made a friend so fast! I'm his mom, Becca!" She held out her hand and I happily shook it.

She seemed really excited to meet me. She couldn't stop smiling.

"It's nice to meet you! Now I know where Hosuh gets his beauty from." I didn't mean to say that. I didn't mean to say that. I wish my brain worked faster than my mouth.

Becca laughed and Hosuh's face heated up. "I like you already!"

Just then a boy ran around the corner and next to Becca. "Oh! Look who it is. Stephen, this is Hosuh's little brother Joey!" Becca held Joey's shoulder as he gave me a shy wave.

Suddenly my phone buzzed. "Oh, sorry..." I opened it and I had 8 new messages from Gavin wondering where I was.

"Sorry, we've kept you for a while, you probably need to head home huh?" Becca said.

"Yeah... I'm sorry. It was super nice to meet you all! I hope I can stop by again for longer."

"Of course! Walk in anytime!" Becca's smile returned.

Hosuh retreated from Becca's side and gave me a hug before I walked out the door.

"Thanks for the treats Stephen! It was really sweet of you~."

"It's no problem!" I hugged him back and gave him a little pat on the head, which he seemed to appreciate.



"Gavin! I'm home!" I set my backpack down and closed the door behind me.

Gavin had sunglasses on and sitting at the table with a toothpick in his mouth.

"So...where ya been?" He lowered his head so I could see his eyes.

"Nowhere...just, with a friend."

He spit the toothpick out.

"Holy shit you were with pretty boy weren't you?!"

"His name is Hosuh, and- maybe."

"I'm going upstairs and writing a smut of you two."

I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch and thought about how much I wanted to spend more time with Hosuh. I guess pretty boy really did have me wrapped up in a bow.

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