Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

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I didn't realize how far away I had made the party so now I'm just procrastinating.

(This is gonna be a little longer, sorry.)

You really need to pay attention to this chapter instead of skimming through the ocean of words because this chapter is really cute.

Stephen's POV

Finally. The last period of Friday afternoon. That means I have one week until the party with Hosuh. Gavin was going to be there as well but, honestly our relationship wasn't  that strong, considering how many days he remains tucked in his room playing games. It will be nice to spend some time with him though.

I leaned across the chemistry table, getting a perfect look at Hosuh. He had been acting rather flustered today, I wonder what was going through his head. He poured a glass tube into a bowl, only to miss and ended up spilling it on his sleeve. I giggled.

"Stephen can you pass the acetone? We need to time how long when-" Jay looked up from his paper to see me staring across the room. He stood behind me to see what I had been checking out the whole class period. As soon as he knew, he nudged me and smiled.

"I knew it." Jay returned to writing.

"Knew what..?"

"Oh~nothing much you love struck pile of shit."

I rolled my eyes and returned to admiring Hosuh. After a few seconds he caught on and looked up at me, sending a shock of blush through my body. My hand dropped away from my face and landed in the water glass below me, soaking my elbow. I returned my gaze to Hosuh and he was laughing. Such an innocent beautiful laugh.

We're both so bad at everything.

Thankfully after I cleaned myself up the bell rang, releasing us for the weekend.

Hosuh grabbed his bag and walked up to me as I packed up mine.

"Hey Stephen I have those notes of yours, thanks again for letting me use them!" He handed me a small stack of papers.

"O-oh thanks!" I flipped through them to make sure I had them all, until I was met with an extra paper at the end. It was color coded and had a little drawing at the top corner. It took me a second to realize that the drawing looking back at me, was my own face.

"Um, Hosuh I think this is yours..?" I showed him the paper and his face went red.

"Oh- haha! Yeah! Sorry that must have um, slid in there..." He grabbed the paper back and shoved it back into his bag, allowing for his face to return to it's normal color.

I wanted to say something but I was terrified. I told myself to live in the moment as the words slid out of my mouth.

"Hey um- Are you having trouble in any other classes? Cause I would love to help you out."
Hosuh tilted his head up reconnecting his gaze with mine. His eyes sent a chill through my body. And I loved it.

He smiled at me. "Yeah actually, I missed a few astronomy classes and would really love your help!"

The words melted away from my mind as I focused on his gorgeous smile. He was so beautiful. God had too much fun with this one.

"Great! Would you like to come over tonight? Sorry this is so last minute."

"Yeah of course! I'll just need to let my mom know where I'll be."

"Ok great!"

I walked out of the classroom to let Hosuh make the call. A few minutes later he joined me.

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