2 ; flirt

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the class passed by quickly, with jungkook not so subtly stealing glances at the blonde boy sitting next to him. taehyung noticed it but chose to not say anything, instead letting his cheeks flush a little every time they made eye contact. he felt a little intimidated by jungkook, given the whole bad boy look he was pulling off so effortlessly.

they weren't doing much during the class, since it was only the first day back, and rather their teacher was just going over their syllabus for the school year.

so jungkook, being the charming boy he was, decided to steal the opportunity to strike a harmless conversation with his desk mate.

"hey, why don't we get to know each other?" he suggested, making his fingers walk across the table. his sudden voice immediately caught the other's attention. taehyung put down his pen as jungkook shifted his body to face the smaller boy.

"sure!" the other giggled.

he mumbled to himself but jungkook heard the soft, "okay what's interesting about me?"

"i'm turning sixteen on the 30th of december... i love arts and literature! i'm a swimmer and i like to bake sometimes," he said before pausing a while, "oh! and puppies. definitely puppies."

jungkook laughed at the boy who adorably rambled along his words, though not in a mean way.

"what about you?" taehyung asked, a little embarrassed by his own maundering.

"i turn seventeen on the 1st of september and i also love art and puppies," he chuckled, looking at the other, "i play basketball and i really love singing and songwriting."

taehyung looked at him in amazement, "woah you write songs and sing? that's so cool." jungkook grinned from ear to ear before thanking him.

taehyung's opinion about jungkook changed; he was a really sweet person but he definitely seemed to be the type of guy who you wouldn't wish to get on their bad nerve. he seemed to be a very outgoing and friendly guy too. he was about to say something to jungkook but just right then, the school bell rung loudly, indicating that the class ended.

as if on queue, the loud noise of students chattering filled the atmosphere and the sound of chairs being dragged on the floors echoed through the interiors of the art room. the class quickly greeted the teacher who kindly dismissed them and soon half of the class had left the room.

taehyung hadn't anywhere or anyone to rush to and so he took his time to put his stuff away into his school bag. after finally clearing his place, he decided to leave the room himself, deciding not to say anything to jungkook who seemed to busy himself with his other friends.

but to his surprise, just when he was about to exit the classroom, he felt someone tap his shoulders lightly. he spun around to meet jungkook and realised that he needed to crane his neck to actually meet his eyes.

"hey taehyung, since you're knew, do you want to meet my friends? i think they'll like you a lot."

"really? i'd love to! i hardly know anyone here and it's pretty scary."

jungkook flushed a sweet smile. taehyung seems like a nice friend.

taehyung just stood in front of jungkook for a few seconds, not moving or hinting the slightest movement that he would move from his spot.

jungkook laughed at the younger boy, adoringly.

"okay dummy, we can go now."

taehyung's face burnt red in embarrassment and quickly waddled away from the tall male.

thank you for reading :)

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