I wanted to make a joke just then, but decided against it. Sarcasm could wait. He looked at my face.

"How long?" He asked suddenly.

"How long what?"

"How long until you leave?" He rephrased the question. And for some reason unknown,I felt my heart break. Did he really assume I was going to abandon him after a single meeting? I shook my head.

"Not unless you want me to leave," I said,and his eyes, which I was sure could not get any wider, widened a bit more.

"Really?" He asked, a smile creeping up to his face despite his feeble efforts to stop it. His eyes turned into crescents, and his cheeks rose, showing off a brilliant smile. An inviting, pure and contagious one. I nodded, smiling as well.

His hand lashed out from his side, took a hold of mine leading me to his bed, Smoke emanating off his grip. I could feel the heat of the smoke, but it didn't burn me. But I was concerned that it was burning him.

He sat on the bed cross legged, and invited me to sit before him. And I did, half sinking into the fluffy mattress.

"Hyungie~" He began almost hesitantly. "Thank you,"

Such an innocent utterance. I wanted to hug him just then, and I almost did, but stopped myself, remembering that exertion activates the chemical.

"No problem Jimin-ah," I settled for the verbal response instead.

We sat there, the silence awkward, both unsure of where to begin a conversation. He shyly twisted the corner of his top. I scratched the back of my head, awkwardly fixing my glasses.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what to say,"He said softly, looking down.

Of course  he didn't. He literally had zero experience.

"It's alright, how about I start a conversation and you jump in whenever you feel like it?" I asked, in the hopes that the boy would agree. He nodded slightly, giving me permission to proceed.

"Okay," I began, " Can you start by switching my nick name?" I asked, starting with a light and safe topic. This brought a smile to his face.

"Tissue boy is a nice nick name,"

"No it's not, and besides, I only wrote in a tissue once or twice, maximum,"

"But it's cuuuute,"

"Aw please~"

"Hmmm..." He began to think, brows furrowing in concentration. I tilted my head to the side.

"I'm gonna call you Min.kitty," He suddenly said, grinning from ear to ear. Now where the hell did that come from?

"Why though?" I asked.

"Because you look like a kitty. A little spectacle wearing kitty,"

"First of all, watch it, I'm taller than you," I began, philosophically raising my hand and making him giggle. "Second of all, what's with people always calling me a kitten, I don't see the resemblance at all," He was laughing now. "And third of all, just for that, I'm gonna call you Park. Mochi," I finished, crossing my hands over my chest in finality.

"What's mochi?" He echoed, and the world stopped. He didn't know what mochi was. I almost had a stroke. Everybody knows what mochi is. It's basically the first thing a kid learns.

"Mochi is a type of rice cake," I explained as calmly as I could, to which he pouted.

"I don't look like rice,"

"Oh but you do. You'll see. I'll make you mochi sometime," I offered. He nodded furiously. "Okay!" He chirped, slightly waving off the smoke that came in front of his face.

Burning Up (M.YG+ P.JM)Where stories live. Discover now