Zarbon X Reader (Unnoticed Flower)

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Word Count: 1110

Request for FrostyMew
You were one of the cooks of Frieza's ship. As the rest of the cooks was only women. They loved to gossip, talk about men, etc. You were not very talkative, you liked to stay in your place, do your job and just listen to what others talked about. And all you hear was Zarbon this Zarbon that. He's really gorgeous, but what matters if he is a bad guy? You didn't understand the minds of these women.

One day when you finished washing the dishes, and you were exhausted, crazy to go to your bed. But it wouldn't help much because you share the room with other 3 women, and they talk about a lot! 'How I wish I had a room just for me' You were not a high-scale soldier, then you didn't get the best of the rooms, even nothing.

You walked by the hall, distracted thinking about it, you didn't even notice the soldier who passed and fell with him. "I'm so sorry!" You get up and the other soldier looks at you cold before smiling malicious.

"You don't have to pretend to fall on me to get my attention, if you want to go to bed with me, just ask." He looks at you from top to bottom, you get scared, you walk a step back, denying with your head.

"No! You got it wrong, that was an accident. I need to go. Bye!" You turn around, but he takes your wrist and throws you against the wall and he surround you.

"You don't have to be shy." You scream for him to let you go, but he holds you very hard. You start panic. Until he's punched and falling on the floor. You can't see anything, your eyes widen when you see Zarbon stopped in your front with crossed arms.

"What a lack of elegance, soldiers as you give me disgust. Go away before I kill you." The other soldier flees scared.

"Are you okay? My flower." Question Zarbon with a worried look, making you blush. 'My flower?' you think confused.

"Yes I'm fine, thank you very much, Mr. Zarbon." You respond in a tired voice looking away, he was even more gorgeous up close. He looks at you more attention.

"You don't look fine, flower. If that brute is chasing you, just tell me, I kill him. I can't stand to see beautiful flowers like you suffering." Your face warms again. It's not him, it's just the job. And sharing the room with talkative women isn't a dream.

"Good night Mr Zarbon, and thanks for today." You waves to him while you take your way to your shared room.

"Night... My flower." You had gone when he said. He had never seen you on the ship. 'How can someone so clumsy have so much natural beauty? I need to have her near me for longer' thinks Zarbon with an idea in mind. He returns to the command room.

"What was Zarbon? Is there any problem?" Question Serious Frieza after Zarbon returns. "Lord Frieza, I forgot to ask the Lord's permission for me to have a private cook." Asks Zarbon after kneeling on the floor. Frieza arches a eyebrow. "A private cook? Why this now?"

"I need to eat own foods to keep my skin clean, sir." Zarbon replies still on his knees.

"You're really vainglorious Zarbon, fine, do as you want." Zarbon thanks and reverence before leaving.

The next day...

Your co-workers were questioning you all day about Zarbon to have spoken to you. You weren't having peace today. Until a soldier tells you that Zarbon wanted to see you at his room. The women were crazy.

"What did you do to conquer him?" "What do you have I do not have?" You ignored them as you got out of the kitchen, following the soldier to Zarbon's room.

You had never been in that part of the ship, it was so fancy.

You come to the hallway and you can see Zarbon waiting for you at the door, your heart is accelerated. What could he want with you?

"Mr. Zarbon, did you want to see me?" You question timidly when you're in front of him. He takes your hand and kisses.

"Please call me just Zarbon, and I still don't know the name of my flower." Your cheeks burn with shame. "My name is (Y / n)" he smiles.

"That's a beautiful name (Y / n). I would like to make a job proposal" He invites you to enter and you get impressed with his huge room, and it was only his.

He explains to you, that you would be his private cook. And that you would have a room just for you next to him. You accept immediately and You moved the same day. Your co-workers stayed so envious. After a while, you and Zarbon no longer has the relationship chief and official. Now you two are really friends.

He wasn't a bad guy as you thought it was. He was kind, at least with you he was. Today is off his, and you have arranged to see a movie to night. You were making popcorn while he chooses the movie. As soon as you finish takes the bowl to the room where Zarbon awaits you.

You weren't used to seeing him in pajamas, under that armor he hid a well-defined body. You really were a lucky woman. But he also didn't let you go unnoticed. Seeing you with few clothes were leaving him crazy.

You sit next to him and you are surprised when he pulls you closer. You snuggle by putting your legs on top of his.

"Which movie did you choose?" You ask looking at TV while eating a popcorn.

"I chose a romantic comedy. According to?" You noddy positively. He started film and you started to see... "Would you kiss your guy friend, to help with his lies?" You ask about the movie. "I think no. And you? Would kiss me now?" You turn your head to look at him and he has a confident smile on his face.

You say nothing just leans and kisses him. He kisses back hugging you closer, your tongues dance for a few seconds and you two move away for lack of air. "My flower, date me?" You didn't expect this. "Do you like me like that?" Zarbon leaned over and stayed on top of you. "I don't like you, I love you, my flower." Your cheek heated up again and you kissed him back. What you two did the rest of the night answered his question.

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