Vegeta X Saiyan Reader (Part 2) final

684 29 4

Word Count: 1964

The fight between Goku and Vegeta was tense, things didn't go as planned even for you.

But he kept his word after losing and entered his ship going out from Earth.
You thought you'd never see him again, you should have been relieved but all you felt was emptiness.

Everyone was sad 'cause in this mess Piccolo ended up dead and the Dragon Balls ceased to exist, so they wouldn't be able to revive Tien, Chaos and Yamcha.

Bulma, Krillin and Gohan went to Namek to use the balls there and Goku went right after he recovered from his injuries.

You stayed on Earth thinking this was something they would quickly resolve.

Through a radio you communicated with Bulma to know what was going on in Namek.

"(Y/n), you won't believe this, Vegeta is here and one of his friends just destroyed our ship!” You stopped listening when you heard Vegeta's name.

"What?! Are you all right? Try to stay alive until Goku arrives! Why the hell would he be there?" You asked regretting not having gone with Goku.

"It seems that there is someone wanting to use the dragon balls too, I think his name is Frieza I dunno."

"Forget the dragon balls! You guys need to get out of there, not even Goku has a chance against him. When he arrives, use his ship to return to Earth!" You explained desperately.

"How do you know-" ****** "Are you talking to (Y/n)? Give me that!" You gritted your teeth when you realized it was Vegeta's voice.

"VEGETA! DON'T YOU DARE TO KILL THEM! LEAVE THEM ALONE!" You hissed out, clenching your fists.

"I'm not interested in these worms, I just wanted to let you know something.” You were relieved to hear Bulma's voice in the background demanding that him return the radio.

"So say it and go away.

"After I become the most powerful being in the universe by killing Frieza and Kakarot, I'll go back to Earth to get you.” You couldn't help but smile but kept your voice even as you answered.

"You couldn't beat Goku and think you'll beat Frieza? You'll just kill yourself.” You scoffed, intent on pissing him off.

"I don't understand how a human woman makes me want to do this crazy stuff.” He said in a confused voice. You wondered if he really cared.

"You don't have to do that, there are other ways to win someone over besides proving your strength.” You felt sad to think of him getting killed by Frieza.

"I am a Saiyan, what other forms could there be?  Besides, this bastard killed my entire race, I can't leave it at that. See you soon, (Y/n)..." You felt a deep hurt in his voice. You were in shock, well you thought it suspicious that a simple asteroid had put an end to the Saiyans.

The radio connection was lost and you just sat there blaming yourself for not going with Goku.


Hours passed and you had lost communication with Namek long ago.

You didn't know what was going on, until suddenly you felt the ki of Bulma, Gohan and even Vegeta, as if they had been teleported to Earth.

You started a flight towards them, when you landed in the field there were namekians everywhere, you saw Bulma and the others talking and Vegeta further away lying on the grass.

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