1.A New World

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Standing on top of the great Mount McKinley ,I could see the world I ruled.
It may not have been the most perfect world of all but it was enough for
me to build upon.I still could see heaps of ashes here and there,they were
ashes of the dead.I left it there as a sign of respect to the people who had
to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.Same could be said for my
sword,I hadn't wiped off the blood stains it bore,it just reminded me of
what it had cost to save humanity and rebuild,reshape and redesign the
world we once saw and loved.I heard a voice calling,it was a soldier
"My Lord,the humans want to speak to you."
"Ah..is it Vladmir?"
"Yes,My Lord it is him.He says he needs to speak about further plans."
"Tell him there's nothing that I have to confide in him.I make the plans,he'll
follow.He'll know when the time comes.."
Humans..they disgust me.Grateful that I don't belong to that race
anymore.Now my family,my friends,my people all are from the planet which
gave me everything.This planet,Earth,it always shunted me aside.It's people
never gave a damn about me or my research.But the truth is that they didn't
care about anyone.I was given power,purpose and position by the planet of Xor
and I will forever consider its inhabitants as my family.Though I've spilt blood
there also,it was unavoidable.Those who stood between me and my destiny had
  to be eradicated.Now,here I stand victorious.I've fulfilled my destiny,the destiny
  which was thrust upon me by the gods.They never told me what to do,but they
guided me in this path.Once I thought all this bloodshed could be avoided and
violence was never the way to create balance.But gradually the world has impressed upon me that without violence there was no possible way to bring about peace and prosperity.The sacrifice I made was to become this ruthless man with a thirst for blood.I shed my innocence,I became something which a younger me despised.But it was worth it,the duty I had to do served a much greater purpose.The day I wielded this sword,it was clear that there was no coming back,no coming back to my old reality.Earth is just the beginning,my conquest has just begun.There are more civilizations awaiting their protector, more planets which need to be cleansed,more people who deserve to feel the wrath of my sword.I was made immortal not to sit around and spend my time immersed in the worldly pleasures or to to fulfill my lost dreams.On the contrary,I was made immortal to fulfill the almighty's wish.I was made immortal to save the world from destruction that the inhabitants brought upon themselves.The only way to serve this purpose was by wiping out some,no,most of the advanced beings.The longer they lived,lesser time would the world have.I still remember the events that lead to all of this,they were quite tragic,to be frank,but now when I think of it,it was necessary.I jumped down from the mountain and walked towards
the camp.My troops were waiting for me there.We were to mourn for the dead.I stepped on top of some rubble and addressed the crowd,
"Dear brothers and sisters,it's been a tough fight for all of us.Chopping down fellow beings is never easy,but we had to do it.Now,our people who sacrificed their lives for the cause must be given the utmost appreciation and to the humans who had to be sacrificed,you will not be given any lower space in my heart.Let's take a minute to pray for their souls.........Now...we have a long journey ahead,we have souls to reap and worlds to bring balance to.Before we set out I'd like you to know about why we are doing all this cruelty.For that you must know about me and my journey,the journey which enlightened me and gave me this mission."

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