"You call this fun?" She waved her hand around the situation we were in.

People started to surround us because we actually never stood up Vincent Hawkins before. I noticed a few teachers turn a blind eye to our predicament; you see, Vincent always got his way and he never gets in trouble. His dad gives a lot of money to the school and in return, Vincent thinks he rules the entire student body and teacher faculty team.

I peek over at Cooper to see her tiny body standing in a defensive position, "you constantly bully her and make her life a living hell and why? Nobody knows! It's like one day we were all hanging out then the next you made it your life goal to fuck her life up!"

He leaned in closer, placing his head in between ours and said, "I'll do as I want. If I want to make her life a living hell, then I will." He shifted slightly to me, "how is Lucas doing? Tell him I said hi." The second he pulled away from us, I dropped my books on the floor, pulled my arm back and punched him straight in the face.

But I didn't stop there.... I kept going.

I jump on top of him and kept punching him until I saw blood.

I heard Coopers voice begging me to stop but I just couldn't. All the pain and suffering this guy put me through was finally being unleashed! I was tired of the name calling and the constant 'put me downs', I was just so tired and I needed him to know that I'm done taking his bullshit. I'm done being his punching bag! I'm done being who he says I am!

I felt arms wrap around me and pull me off of Vincent. I finally felt the throbbing sensation in my hands, so I look down at them and they were covered in blood. My face paled when I realized what I just did. I closed my eyes and prepared to look at the damage I did to Vincent's face. I felt a tear fall down my cheek as I slowly opened my eyes and froze when I saw his face.

His right eye was swollen and his left eye looked like I punctured a vein. He had a bust lip and a bruised jaw and cheek. Then I saw something that will forever haunt my dreams, there was a large scratch going from his left hairline, near his temple, to down the side of his face to his mid left cheek.

"No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No." I cry out as the security guard drags me to the principals office.

As the security guard drags me into the office, I notice a nurse standing there waiting for me. This nurse wasn't just any nurse, she was the only person in the entire world who I told everything too; I even told her the truth.

She opens her arms and I run into them, burying my face in her shoulders. She whispered in my ear that everything will be okay. I also heard more familiar and soothing voices, all comforting me. I peak from her shoulder and see, Cooper, Principal Williams, the security guard that pulled me away and secretary Carolina; they all had sad looks on their face. They all knew that Vincent has made it his life mission to give me a horrible high school experience. I mean, I had to use the front office as a safe haven and they allowed me to skip classes with him, from time to time.

I pull back from Nurse Nancy and she started to examine my hands.

"Bethany," I look over at Principal Williams. He sighed and walked over to me, "you know what I have to do."

"But it was self defense!" I heard Cooper shout out as she stepped up to stand close to me, "she shouldn't be getting in trouble. That's just so fucked up!"

"Watch yourself young lady!" He said sternly to Cooper and she quickly closed her mouth. He turned his attention back to me, "with the events that have just occurred I am restricting you from attending prom and graduation."

"Mr. Williams, that's a bit aggressive isn't it?" Nurse Nancy spoke up, "cant you just take away her prom rights? Every senior looks forward to their graduation!"

He shook his head, "if it was any other student I would have to take this same route and I don't want it to seem like I'm playing favorites!"

"Well are you going to give the same punishment to Vincent as well?" Cooper asked.

Principal Williams hung his head and shook it back and forth, "no because he didn't throw the first punch."

Cooper was about to say something but I finally used my voice, "it okay. I understand."

As soon as Nurse Nancy was finished wrapping my hands, Cooper lead me out the school and towards my car that was still sitting in the parking lot. I slid in the passenger seat while Cooper took the front seat. I looked up at the school and it hit me that I forgot my books, I turn to tell Cooper this but she beat me to it,

"Principal Williams will take care of it,"

I nodded my head and focused back out the passenger window, when my eyes connected with familiar yet strange gray eyes. His face was cleaned up but you can still see the large scratch, bruises and swollen parts. He looked sad and regretful and the second he was about to make a motion with his hand, I turned away and faced forward as Cooper pulled out of the parking lot and headed home.

I hate Vincent Hawkins!

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