14: Piled Up Feelings

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He had been tossing left and right ever since an hour ago. He had try everything that he might to just get some sleep but to his despair, he is still wide awake. He didn't know what makes him so hard to sleep.

" Aarggh ! Now what can I do ? "

He jump off the bed and just walk lazily towards the window. He took a peek outside the window and smile when he noticed the pool which gave him some ways to kill his time.


" Aaahh, thats refreshing ! "

He cheered on himself as he take a sip of the beer that he took from the fridge earlier.

The Park won't mind if I drink one of their beers right ?

He chuckles upon remembering on how sneaky he is when he decide to take one can of it from the fridge. Good thing that all of them are asleep.

He take a look on his phone and realise it's already two in the morning. He will surely be sleeping in the plane tomorrow morning.

His eyes are wandering around the pool and laugh silently as bit memories of them at this place pop in his mind.

It was that time when Joy suddenly pulled him into a tight embrace upon noticing Eunkwang is following her. She was very naughty at that time. Clinging to him so that Eunkwang will get the idea that they are a secret lover and apparently it works.

He felt bad towards Eunkwang for he know how a good person that guy is but deep inside his heart, there's a tiny dot of happiness when he felt her in his embrace.

" How come every single place can remind me of her ? Park Sooyoung you're amazing. "

He take another sip of his drink when suddenly he heard some footsteps coming from the house. His mouth left hanging at the scene before him, cannot believe of what he sees right at the moment.

" I'm starting to see things now. "

Thinking that the alcohol has might already kicking in, he just shrugged it off.

" Why are you talking to yourself ? "

And that really caught him of guard.

So it wasn't cause by the beer then.
She's real.


" Why are you here ? It's pretty late now. "

" The question is goes back to you Miss Park.
So why are you here ? "

She just smiled at his mischievous way to get
her back.

" I'm not sleepy. " She answered nonchalantly.

It wasn't a lie. She really didn't feel sleepy at all but of course she's not going to tell that she purposely followed him here. She will be dead embarrassed
if he knew that.

Few minutes back, Joy were heading her way down to the kitchen to get herself some water to drink. She cannot sleep and thought maybe if she drink or even snack up for a little, it will help her to get sleepy.

But she was surprised to see Sungjae tip-toeing towards the fridge on her way down. Before he realised her presence, she quickly hide herself at the nearby couch, making sure that she's not within his sight.

And Then I Met YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora