2: Running Away

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" Sir. Excuse me sir. "

The staff feels glad when she finally got his attention.

" I'm sorry. "

" Are you alright sir ? "

He just gave a nod even when he knew deep inside he is not alright.

" Okay, so where is your destination sir ? "

She heaved out a sigh since this has been her question ever since he showed up in front of her counter but never get a reply.

" I .. "

His eyes wander around suddenly feel confuse of where is he right now but hearing the announcement made had finally gave him the idea of his whereabouts. He was so lost in his minds that he didn't realise where does he is going to and end up in the airport.

" Sir ? If you still not decide then would you mind to give others to buy their pass first ? "

The staff talk nicely but at the same time he could feel the annoyance written on her face.

" I will buy. "

" Okay and where to ? "

" Anywhere ... will do. "

The girl is now looking at him with so much confusion on her face.

" Anywhere ? Sir, please give me the exact destination. I cannot simply put you in any place here. "

" Just .. "

" Excuse me mister, will you hurry up ? I've been lining up long enough waiting for you. "

A guy, around his age had suddenly tap his shoulder causing him to look back at him.

" My wife and son were waiting for me at Jeju and if you don't hurry up- "

That man couldn't even finish up his word since Sungjae already looking back at the staff causing that man to feel pissed off.

" Jeju. "

" Huh ? "

" Give me a boarding pass to Jeju. "

She nodded still feeling weird but anyhow just start typing something on her computer before handing out the boarding pass to him. She didn't bother to even ask for the time of the flight since she knew it will waste more time of her.

" Jeju, 8pm. That means in two hours from now. Thank you sir. "


" Welcome on board. Do you need a help ? "

Seeing that her passenger having some trouble carrying her bags, the stewardess gladly offers a hand.

" Oh My thank you. I really need help now. I was fine carrying these bags by trolley earlier and my these bags are quite heavy .. haha. "

The stewardess just giving off a friendly smiles before take one of her bag from her.

" Can you show me your pass so that I can lead you to your seat mam. "

" Sure. Here you go. "

After passing by for about three seats, finally she see her seat and immediately pouts when she realised it was not by the window.

I should have make a special request for that.

And Then I Met YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon