3: The Attempt

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She keep on looking back, staring at the door hoping to get a glance of the guy before. People keep on coming out from there but seems like he is not around those crowds, making her wonder by herself.

Aren't he going out ? I did told him that we're arrived. But where is he ? Did he plan to stay in the plane ?

She did a little thinking and just shrugged her thoughts off.

Well he is not my problem. He doesn't even want to talk to me so why bother ? He's at loss for ignoring a pretty lady like me.

Now where should I head to ?

Just in time her tummy making a weird growling sound causing her to laugh at herself.

" Gosh ! You're hungry huh ? "

Joy quicken her pace once she see a cab nearby the entrance.

" Ajuhsshi ! "

She wave her hand at the driver, making him smiles.

" Yes miss. "

" Can you drive me to Myeongjin Jeonbuk. I'm really hungry now. "

" Sure. I'll help you with your luggage. "

" Thank you. "


" Sir, Just drop me here. "

The man, whom he assume might as old as his late father turn and look at him with a questionable look, seeing the place that they stop by.

" There's nothing around here. Are you sure you want me to drop you here young man ? "

" Yes, this will be my stop. Thank you. "

Without further, he walked out of the taxi after paid the driver.

" Take care young man. "

He didn't  smile nor do nod at the driver and just let his eyes follow the car as its disappears from his sight. He didn't know how suddenly a simple words like those could gave a stir in his heart. He felt warm for a moment but it's palpated a much stronger rhythm soon after. Was his decision right ?
He start to wonder.

His surroundings were slightly dark with some street lamp to lighten up a rather lonely place, probably as gloom as his heart and he can feel the cold breezes grazing off his skin as the night fallen, making him shudder at the temperature.

He has been sitting there for quite a awhile now, letting his eyes witnessing the supposed beauty of the sea under the moonlight as if he can call it that when his minds were all off towards the negative side. He wished the sounds of the waves can eventually fix his heart and he wished that somehow being alone can ease his mind. But that was all it, he just wish but nothing seem to happen, yet.

He is weak now, at heart. He has never one like this before but having all happens at once had burdened him at some point till he can't take it.

He wish that he can undo everything. He wish that he didn't resented his parents much because of their problems and he wish he didn't put up all his trust to that one person that he love very much and probably he won't be so heart broken like he is now.
And again, he just wish.

How long has he been here he didn't know and didn't care to know. All that he know is that he start to feel comfortable.

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