xiii. hello again

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A FEW MONTHS later, Louise and Jack had bought a nice cottage together in Berwick - the middle of Glasgow and Newcastle, so neither were too far from each side of their families

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A FEW MONTHS later, Louise and Jack had bought a nice cottage together in Berwick - the middle of Glasgow and Newcastle, so neither were too far from each side of their families.

One day when the two were planning their wedding at home with the help of both their mothers and limited help from their sisters, they stumbled onto the invitations topics.

"Right, clearly you want all of ya families going," Pat commented, noting down what she was saying. "So, me, Gerald, Carey, Andrew, their partners and children, your aunts and uncles, your cousins. Right?" Pat spoke to Louise, seeing if there was anyone else she forgot in her family. Louise nodded at her mother's quick list, believing that was all her family members. "And Jack, you'll want Maggie, Wilf, Chrissie and Angus. All your aunts, uncles and cousins. Anyone missing?" Jack shook his head at the list Pat made of his family. "Brill. Now, friends?"

Louise thought for a second. She didn't many friends outside the family but the ones she did were from school or the hospitals that she used to work in during the war. "Can ya put Jenny Gale, her husband and Uma Lloyd down. Ya know, from school," Pat nodded, smiling as she wrote down the names of her daughter's childhood friends. "Oh, and Suzie Gallagher!" Suzie was one of her closest friends from the war. Thankfully, she wasn't on the hospital ship that sank with the Davies sisters on and the two remained in contact ever since.

"Jack?" Margret asked her son.

"Could ya put Henry Adan, Harry Thompson and Tom Farrier and his wife down for me," Jack nodded. Jack had told Louise about his friends. He only had three really close friends. She had met them a few times. Henry and Harry were his childhood best friends from school, and Tom was his best mate in the RAF. He told her about his hard times during the war, how he got captured by the enemies but managed to escape. But he wasn't the same afterwards which was understandable, but Louise always thought he was a charming lad even though he didn't talk as much as he used to, according to Jack.

Pat and Margret looked over the list together. It was fairly long considering the sheer amount of family members in it. "Anyone else?"

Jack looked to Louise and they shared a silent thought together. Louise suddenly gasped and clutched onto Jack's arm. "Could we invite Mr Dawson and his son?" She asked her fiance.

Jack smiled at the thought of their saviours. If it wasn't for them, Jack and Louise would both be dead, and they wouldn't have found comfort and love with each other if they weren't rescued by the father and son. The only problem was that they didn't share any contact information before they parted ways 7 years ago. They could be dead for all they know. But the hopeful look in Louise's eyes made him agree. "Yeah, alright. Do ye know where about they live?"

"I know it's somewhere in Dorset. George told me before he... ya know," she trailed off. She still didn't like talking about George. In the entire 6 year war, George was the only patient she couldn't save, and to this day, she still couldn't get over it.

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