Emma sat down on the edge of the bed. "There's not much to tell."

Gina smirked. "I don't believe you. So come on, spill."

"I got stuck listening to the radio."

Gina didn't fall for it. "Don't be shy. I want the whole story."

"Fine," she mumbled under her breath. Had Emma not known of Gina's scandalous past, she would protest strongly. Emma knew though that her story failed in comparison to some of what Gina had done. "Did you listen to The Morning Round-Up earlier?"

Gina nodded. "Of course. I do every morning."

"Well..." she trailed off. "The show was kind of, sort of is, um-"

"Oh, spit it out." 

"It's about me," she mumbled quickly. If she were lucky, Gina's hearing would fail her.

"Oh my." Or maybe not.

Emma looked away and stared at the closed bedroom door. "Yeah." 

"So, you're who they're debating about?" Emma nodded. "So, you know Joey? How did that even happen?"

Emma threw her hands up. "I don't know! When I met him last night, I didn't know who he was. I certainly didn't think he'd humiliate me on the radio."

Gina reached forward and held her hand in a gentle grip. The woman's hand was cold and scaly. It reminded Emma just how close to death she really was. She'd been diagnosed as terminal three months ago. The thought sobered Emma. She really shouldn't be complaining to someone like Gina. "Sorry, I shouldn't complain."

"Nonsense." Gina smiled. "I enjoy speaking to you. If you need to complain or vent, then do it. The release is good for the soul." Emma just smiled in return. "Did you listen to the whole segment?" Emma shook her head. "So, you didn't hear all of what the callers were saying?"

"I pulled up here before I could. Not sure I want to know what they're saying."

"I think we should listen. It might be good." Emma was doubtful but reached for the radio on the bedside table regardless. It was preset to Radio 769. A song finished and Linda's voice came on.

"For those who are just turning in, we're discussing an issue of morals here. Before the break, Joey told us the story about the woman he met last night who spilled her secret; one where she is in love with her sisters' boyfriend. Taylor is arguing that this woman is breaking the girl code of ethics and I'm arguing that it's harmless. Now we want to know what you think. Our first caller is Nicole from Brooklyn. Hi there, Nicole."

"Hi," a very chirpy voice answered. "I'm such a huge fan of your show."

Joey chuckled. "Thank you very much. So, what's your take on this issue?"

The woman clicked her tongue and answered, "I think it's disgusting. What kind of woman pines after her sisters' boyfriend? I think she's a horrible sister."

Emma frowned. She hated it all. Strangers were misinterpreting everything.

"Thanks, Nicole. Next, we have Amber from Calabasas. Tell us what you think," said Linda.

"Hi, guys." The new caller sounded older. "I don't think there's any harm to what she's doing. You said it seemed like it was a big secret. Maybe she hasn't done anything to interfere with their relationship. I think if she's gone so long without doing anything then obviously, she has no ulterior motive. Maybe she's just unfortunately stuck liking someone she knows she'll never have. We've all been there before."

"But what about the sister?" asked Taylor, clearly not in agreement with Amber. "How can she trust her? If it were me, I'd be disgusted knowing a member of my family was fantasizing about my man."

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