My wish is to be with you, nothing less than forever... - episode 11, season 2

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- Big and ugly!

- Never! You will always be the most beautiful girl of all... big or small, I've never seen you so gracious than now.

- You say that because I made your dream possible...

- My dream? And what dream is that?

- Twins! Remember? I gave you twins!

- But you gave me so much more than that... you gave me love, a family, you gave me life...

He looked deep inside her eyes and kissed her passionately, making her heart pound as if she had ran the marathon...

- Oh my... Jeong Hyeok... - her legs were shaking, so she leaned on him, afraid to fall: - how do you do that? We'd better stop, or I'll have to spend here another day!

He took her by the hand and walked her to his car. Kim Ju-muk, Park Kwang-beom, Geum Eun-dong and Pyo Chi-su were taking the two girls back home but, before that, Se Ri gave them a considerable amount of money, the only way she had found to help them anyhow:

- Thank you for being with me all that time, thank you in my name and my children's...

The three hugged. Jeong Hyeok noticed two of his men, Kim Ju-muk and Pyo Chi-su seemed emotional with the scene... could it be, they had fallen under the girls' love spell?

- Isn't that Ri Jeong Hyeok? The son of comrade Ri Choong-ryeol, our director of the General Political Bureau and the vice-marshal of Korean People's Army?

The nurse, in the front desk looked at that man, dressed as high rank military officer, extremely tall and arrogant:

- Yes, I believe so...

- And the lady? Next to him?

- Huh?

- Check the system, will you? Who is she?

- I believe she is his wife...

- His wife, uh? Interesting... I didn't know he had married... Interesting, very interesting...

- Oh my dear! My dear... I'm so happy to see you! – Jeong Hyeok's mother, Kim Yoon-hee hugged her daughter in law, paying extra attention to her belly:- Come, come and have a seat! You room is ready, in case you want to lay down right away...

Ri Choong-ryeol appeared, to hug Yoon Se Ri:

- My dear daughter... mother of my grandchildren...

It wasn't common to see that man so emotional, hugging Se Ri as if she was the most precious treasure to him:

- Are you feeling better? Did that maniac arm you?

- No, no... I'm feeling much better! And you? How is your heart?

- Ah... better than ever! – he joked about it, surprising both his wife and his son. They had never seen him so... relaxed. But, then again, he too was under the spell of Se Ri...

- It's so good to have you here! Let me speed things up in the kitchen... you must be starving, my dear! I remember when I was pregnant, I was hungry all the time...

Se Ri looked at her husband and they both started laughing:

- Indeed... these two babies are going to ruin my figure!

Later, that evening, the two couples were having dinner, for Se Ri's delight...

- This separation between you... it can't go on, the way it is. Jeong Hyeok must be there for you, my dear and, the simple thought the babies will grow up, away from us... - Kim Yoon-hee was the first one to mention the subject. – It must be awful for you, my dear... I know for Jeong Hyeok it's terrible...

- Mum... please... Se Ri is already too vulnerable... knowing that...

- Jeong Hyeok – Se Ri interrupted: - I feel the same too. Learning I was pregnant was celebrated with tears in my eyes because all I wanted was to share that magical moment with you... But I couldn't... I had to be abducted to get here and finally meet you...

One by one, Yoon Se Ri, Jeong Hyeok and Kim Yoon-hee, kept on talking until Ri Choong-ryeol finally said:

- Nothing happens without a reason... I am making some arrangements for you two to be together more than fifteen days a year. If you were not pregnant Se Ri, things would have to stay the way they are, for a little longer but you need your husband by your side.

- But that might put you in danger...

- My dear Yoon Se Ri, it's time I use my power to do something for my family. And you are a part of this family. You brought a special light to this family... and my grandchildren will not grow up away from their father. You have my word.

Se Ri took Jeong Hyeok's hand, so happy she thought she was going to burst! Ri Choong-ryeol and his wife were happy too, for they could see that their son and his wife were even more in love, since that time they had met in that house. That day, they had witnessed true love; this time they were witnessing endless, love, a rare kind of love, that kind of love it was worth dying for...

- Do you actually think your father can help us? – Se Ri was whispering in the dark, resting in Jeong Hyeok's arms, feeling so safe, so loved, so protected by him...

Jeong Hyeok sighed.

- He wouldn't say that just «because»... He is a powerful man but he has to be extremely cautious... here, it's so different from Seoul...

- I know, I know... But if somehow he can't make it... my love for you will stay strong, and we'll always have our love nest in Switzerland...

- I know my dear... It's just that everything is meaningless, pointless without you and them... - Jeong Hyeok touched her belly, as if he could feel each of his babies.

- I have to saty positive, then... If your father says it's possible, Jeong Hyeok, then we have to believe in him. My only wish is to be with you, more than fifteen days, nothing less than forever and ever...

Jeong Hyeok rolled on the bed, staying next to Se Ri's naked and warm body.

- You, I, our babies... girl, boy? What do you think?

- I think we are blessed with a boy and a girl. Definitely.

He pushed her to him and kissed her, deeply, gently, exactly the way she loved... Se Ri placed her arms around him and pushed him closer to her...

- Maybe we shouldn't... - he whispered.

- We can't... but that doesn't mean we can't be closer and... how should I say... kill this saudade between us...

But they did more than that... they missed each other so much, they ended up by making love, unable to resist each other, being extra careful, but succumbing to the amazing love that bonded them since always...

That night, Jeong Hyeok dreamed he was teaching his twins riding a bike. Like Se Ri had predicted, they had been blessed with a boy and a girl. The boy, more skilled on the bike, was laughing while riding his blue bike. The girl, was crying on Jeong Hyeok's lap, after falling off her pink bike and having a skinned knee. Like daddy's little princess, her arms were around his neck and while he was trying to soothe her, he couldn't stop thinking he was the happiest man in the whole world... 

- It's alright, it's alright... daddy's gonna fix your knee in no time...

And in his dream, the sight of Se Ri, approaching them, laughing, while their boy would hug her, eager to tell him of his achievement... Yes, life could be perfect. Life would be perfect. All he needed was Se Ri by his side. The rest would be so simple...

Crash Landing on you - the untold scenes and season 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora