Chapter Twenty-One

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Well I'm back and trying to pick up where the story left off!  over a year later, sorry guys. I just got the urge to write again, so if it doesn't really make sense to what has happened in the past, or the timeline seems off I apologize, I just want to get it down and out there and I'll go back and tweak everything when I'm finished. Who know's the story could look completely different after round two. Thanks again for choosing to read this and I hope you enjoy it!

Ashley/Laura's POV

It's the next morning and I cannot sleep in, even though this is the first time I've slept in a comfortable bed, in a safe place.  I'm annoyed but I remember I have my very own bathroom and relish in the thought of taking a long hot shower.  I get out of bed and grab my bag that is in the closet, I just grabbed my pajamas out of there last night but figure I might as well unpack.  It doesn't take me long, and this walk in closet is way to big for the small amount of items I have.  I make a mental note to do some shopping when I get my paycheck, which is also something we never discussed - how much I'll be making here. I don't think it would be much considering I'm living here and eating their food.  Later problems I think.  I take my toiletries to the bathroom and start the shower.  I look around and see two white fluffy towels hanging up and realize that these small things that I took for granted before make me so happy now.  A clean bathroom, fluffy towels, just my own space.  After taking way to long in the shower I get myself dressed in my usual black leggings and t-shirt and I opt for some socks this morning and throw on a zip up hoodie but keep it open.  I brush my hair, throw a little mascara and lip balm on and head downstairs to get some coffee.  Before I head out of the room I realize it's only six thirty and probably no one is awake, and I don't want to do anything that'll wake them up.  

I decide the coffee pot can't be that loud and all the bedrooms are upstairs so I feel okay making coffee and that isn't going to wake anyone up.  It's Saturday and I have no idea what David has planned for himself or the kids.  Guess I should have asked him that last night. When the coffee is done, after having to search all the cupboards to find everything I need I take my cup and go outside to sit on the deck.  It's a beautiful morning and it looks like it will be nice all day.  I can hear birds chirping and see them flying around from one tree to the next.  It is quite peaceful and I haven't felt this relaxed in a long time.  The feeling doesn't last long as I start to think,  I don't even know what David does for a living, did I ask him, did he tell me?  He has a partner, what jobs to people have partners in?  Does he work on Saturdays? I guess there are a lot of unanswered questions after that accident that happened during the interview.  And how I let my name slip, but I think he let that one go, and I also let slip I spent time in university, but also don't know if he heard that either.  I need to get a handle on this if I want to be able to stay here safely.  As I am deep in thought I didn't hear the door open or see David walking towards me, he puts his coffee on the table in front of me and starts to sit down and I jump a little and almost spill my coffee.
"Good morning, I didn't mean to startle you!" David says and he sits down and I turn to see him, the sun has come up a little more and we are both sitting directly in it.
"Oh, no, sorry, that's alright, just deep in thought I guess." I say a bit shyly.  I look over at him and he is also freshly showered and I can smell his shower gel or something, and he smells amazing.
"What were you thinking about?" He says as he takes a sip of coffee. "Thanks for making the coffee by the way, was nice to wake up to."
"No problem, I'm an early riser." I say, hoping he'll forget he just asked me what I was thinking about.
"So what are you thinking about so deeply this early in the day?" He asks, this time not taking his eyes off me.  So much for that plan.
"Nothing much I guess, just wondering what we'll be doing today, I need to get some things sorted out food wise for the kids, I don't know what they eat or what they like, what meals they need etc." I'm hoping this will distract him enough not to ask anything personal about me, I don't know how much I can lie to this man, I'm not a good liar in general and he seems to see right through me.
"Oh right, I guess we didn't get to talk much after dinner.  I will make up a meal schedule for the kids and you can branch out from there, they aren't really picky eater, and they seemed to like your cooking last night so I'm sure whatever you make them will be fine." He sort of says quickly like he is almost embarrassed for not having this prepared.
"Okay, sounds like a plan." I say and smile at him over my cup of coffee.
"What time are the kids normally up on a weekend?" I ask.
"Well Jackson won't be up till probably after ten or eleven so he will eat whatever he can find or just wait till lunch.  And the younger ones sleep in till around eight." He says and checks his watch, "so another half hour or so." 
"Okay, do you think they'd be alright with pancakes for breakfast, I picked up a few things for that yesterday." I know they will be okay with pancakes, what kid wouldn't be, but have to run it by their dad first. 
He smiles and chuckles, "yes, they would be very okay with pancakes for breakfast." 
"Will you be joining us for breakfast today, or do you have to work?" I say, I don't want to come out and ask what he does for a living in case he did say something and I missed it, I don't want to come off as a complete idiot.
"If you don't mind, I can help with breakfast if you want." He says 
"No, no that's okay. Just curious, I'm sure Lauren and Joe would like to help make them anyway, they are fun to make and easy for kids their age." I tell him.
"Thank you, for letting them do things.  Their mom always had them in the kitchen, but when I'm done work I don't have the patients for it and over the years they have just stopped asking, it was nice to see them yesterday enjoying themselves." He says, and I can see he isn't happy with himself.
"Of course, it's why I'm here, to help and get you guys back into a routine." I tell him calmly and he looks grateful.
"I think having you here is going to be so good for them, I'm so happy Chris made me do this." He says.
"Okay, this is embarrassing on my part, but what do you do? I can't remember if you told me, and I don't want to be asking you in a month if I haven't figured it out by then." I finally ask, better now then later right?  He looks at me with a bit of confusion and playfully slaps his palm to his forehead. 
"Wow, I don't actually think it came up, I'm so sorry. I am a police detective, and Chris is my partner, which probably now makes a lot more sense." He laughed and looked at me. I froze, and I think for too long because the smile was leaving his face and he started to look concerned.  A detective, this man is in law enforcement. How could I be so stupid! He has all the tools to look me up, how has he not figured out my whole life is a lie right now, John did say that this new ID would not hold up if anyone really took a look at it.  But I guess he didn't, he just had my name, and a few bogie references.  This job isn't going to pay cash, he'll need a social security number or whatever it's called down here.  
"Ashley? are you okay?" He asks, hearing his voice I snap out of my tailspin.
"Yeah, sorry, a detective you said, that sounds like a really interesting job." I try to say with some enthusiasm but the colour I am sure has drained from my face and I'm doing everything I can to not run away right now.
"Yeah, it has it's ups and downs." He says, still examining me, and I put a smile on my face, hoping it reaches my eyes.  I look down at my coffee and its almost empty, thank god, an excuse to get out of here.
"I'm going to get a refill, do you need one?" I say in what I'm hoping is a normal conversational tone.
"Yeah, sure, I'll come in with you." He says, and we both stand up.  He gestures his hand towards the door, an after you sort of way. I walk past him and inside.  I put my coffee up down on the island and tell him I need to run to the washroom and I'll be right back.  He still looks a little confused but I smile at him and he seems to relax a little.  

I head upstairs to my bathroom and start pacing.  I need to think this through.  Just this morning I finally felt a bit safer than I have in weeks and I don't want to lose that.  This is too good a gig to pass up.  Gated house, not working in the public, in a job that no one would think to look for me in.  Cop boss.  Crap, crap, crap.  Well now I understand how he can see right through the lies I have been telling, but maybe he can feel I am a good person?  But if he knows I'm lying then why would he bring me around his kids?  A month, I'll stay a month and go, I'll tell him he can pay me monthly, and when he asks for more personal information I'll go.  I don't need money, I have a place to stay, free food, and he will probably just give me a credit card or something for food and gas right?  This will be fine, then I can move on, probably a good idea anyway.  It's been a few minutes and my mind is going a mile a minute but for now I think I am okay with this plan and can calm down enough to get though the day.  

I am coming downstairs and I see Lauren and Jo are up and are sitting at the island talking with their dad who is getting them some milk. 
"Good morning guys, how did you sleep." I say as I walk in the kitchen and see their sleepy faces.  I can see David looking at me like he wants to continue a conversation but I am so happy the kids got up.  I'll have to avoid being alone with him for a while, which also is a good thing because my body gets all weird when he is close by.  
"Good but I'm huuungry." Joe says and Lauren nods in response agreeing with her brother.
"You're hungry? I didn't think kids ate breakfast." I say to them matter of factly and their eyes go big. I can see David out of the corner of my eye with a small smile forming on his face.
"Who told you that!" Lauren said, now a little more awake.
"Just something I heard, is this not true?" I say and they both start shaking their heads.
"We need breakfast, dad tell her we eat breakfast!" Joe says and I just start laughing, the kids look at me and I say, "Kidding! I know you two little munchkins need some food.  I was thinking pancakes, what do you think?" 
"Yumm yes, pancakes sound good." Joe says, and Lauren nods agreeing with her brother again.
"Okay, I might need some help though, think you guy are up for it? Not too tired?" And with that they both jumped off the stools and we got to work making pancakes.

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