Chapter One

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A quick note.  I have never written anything of fiction before.  I have written a zillion essays through my years of university but that is a totally different type of writing. So PLEASE be honest and comment on anything you think needs fixing, spelling mistakes, if a sentence doesn't make sense, etc.  I will take all the insight I can get.  I have been a user on Wattpad for a couple years now and I read a bunch of stories and they have inspired me to write my own.  If any of this is similar to anything else out there I apologize, and let me know!  I have a timeline and a rough guide (which is about ten pages haha) on how I want this story to move and things I want to happen, but again, if there is something that doesn't make sense, or something you want to see let me know :)  

I hope you enjoy this, and please be kind, but honest.  

Thanks again! 

P.S. I also have in mind a cast for most everyone in here, but PLEASE give me suggestions, and after the story is complete I'll pick a cast on who you all like the most. 

P.P.S I know a lot of authors on here have an updating schedule.  As of right now I do not.  When I have the time to write I will!

"Ouch" I say as I stub my toe on my bed frame annoyed with myself.  I woke up late today, but not anything unusual with the hours I've been working and getting ready for work didn't take much.  A quick shower, brush teeth, throw up hair and slip into some scrubs.  I'm a community nurse and taking time to pick out an outfit, do my hair and makeup is not something that is necessary. I used to do that when I worked at the bank, but that life definitely wasn't for me. 

A little backstory on myself. I live in Canada, on the west coast in British Columbia.  I mean, I'm more in the middle of the province, so not so much on the coast but only a few hours drive away. I live in a semi desert where it is beautiful and hot in the summer.  We have two rivers in our town but if that's not for you,  you can drive in any direction for about forty-five minutes and hit a beautiful lake.  It also gets very cold in the winter, but we up here love our winters.  Sledding, skating, hitting a ski mountain is all within my city.  Can't complain, I feel like I live in the best place in the world.  I had a decent upbringing, a wonderful mother, an okay father and a little brother.  Went to a decent schools, had a few close friends, played basketball - our team was very good.  I earned a scholarship playing basketball and played in university for two years but halfway through the second year I tore my ACL and decided that was going to be it for me.  My dad wanted me to take business, to follow in his footsteps and I did.  I earned my degree in three years with taking summer courses.  I ended up in a bank working with one of my best friends Kirsten but after a year of that I knew I would never be happy and had to choose a different path.  Back to school for me.  Four years later and I became a nurse and decided to work in the community and I've never been happier.  

When I finally find my shoes I head into the kitchen and pour some coffee into my to go mug, grab a apple and head out the door.  I know I should probably take time to eat a proper meal before a long day, but lets be honest, I can just drive thru somewhere and grab a burger for lunch.  Just as I'm walking out, "Lo! Don't forget you have that meeting this morning in the office about that guy at that place." Kirsten yells at me.  Due to a confidentiality contract I signed I can't tell her any specific information about the patients I see but I can give some details on what I do.  Kirsten is my roommate and best friend.  We've been friends since we were seven and have been pretty inseparable ever since.  We are for the most part complete opposites but I think that is what has kept us friends for so long.  Don't get me wrong, we do love some of the same things like camping, road trips, going to music festivals and being total hippies. Hot springs is a new found love of ours and finding a beautiful natural spring in the mountains, well there is just nothing that is much better than that - in our opinion. Maybe hitting up a winery or two could match, but its still up for debate.  We are quite the adventure duo. But movies, lets just say it takes an hour to find something we both want to watch. Sports, ha! Kirsten couldn't play a sport if her life depended on it, but I on the other hand was a total athlete. 

"Yes, yes I know, thank you! Have a good day at work, I'll see you tonight." Kirsten still works at the bank and she gets bankers hours, that beautiful nine to five life. Me, my hours are all over the place, nursing is a twenty-four hour gig. I do have a line that is seven to seven, work four days get three days off, work four days get two days off, work four days get three days off, yeah get it. So all in all not so bad, but I work a lot of overtime.  And not so much in the sense I take longer days, I just take more days.  Getting people to work in the community is very hard.  Having to go into peoples homes is not something everyone feels comfortable with, and there are a lot of sketchy neighbourhoods you visit.  In the homes you go into, many people may be living there, and some people are trouble.  I don't mind so much, I feel like I can handle myself pretty well.  After my injury I put on some weight, I'm pretty tall and I have taken several courses on code white procedures, violence prevention training and self defense.  When you look at me without makeup on, hair in a bun and I'm in my very attractive scrubs - not - people tend not to give me a second glance.  I wouldn't say I'm a horrible looking person, but just average.  I am standing at about five feet ten inches, am curvy, I have long light brown hair, brown eyes, full lips, and I haven't seen the sun in years, if you catch my drift.  Going back to how opposite Kirsten and I are, she is the complete opposite of me on that department too. She is short, about five feet four inches, she has dark brown hair, beautiful green eyes and a show stopping smile. She is very slender, which makes me sort of insecure then I remember I don't love her because of how she looks and she doesn't even think about it.  I remember a time  a few years after my injury when she wanted to go the beach and I told her "I can't wear a bathing suit." She said "that's ridiculous, who the heck cares, we are going to get a burn, drink some cider and float in the river, I want to go and so you're coming."  It's always a day that sticks out in my mind, she doesn't care what I look like, she just loves me for who I am.

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