Pt.5 ~ jealousy

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Yn pov:

                  I woke up to, surprisingly no alarm. I rolled over and checked the time, "7:23" it read. Wow, I'm REALLY up early. I got out of bed and realized I was in my underwear. Then everything from yesterday flooded in my brain, the beach, hoodies, food, cooper. FUCK COOPER! I gasped at the thought and got up from my bed. I put my shorts and a hoodie on as I walked downstairs to the kitchen.

             No one was up so I decided to make a nice breakfast for the boys. I looked in the fridge and saw we had ingredients to make chilaquiles. I got two big pans and started to get the ingredients out. I got tortillas de maíz (corn tortillas), tomato sauce, cheese, and chicken. I put butter on both pans and let it melt. I cut the tortillas and put them on the pans. After they where done sitting I poured the sauce and mixed them up. I shredded the chicken and added it into the mixture and put cheese on top.

           When I was done I checked the time "9:34" they should be up by now. And as if on que, Noah and Carson came downstairs. "I smell something goooodd" Carson said as he sat at the bar place. "Thank you, here is the homemade mexican chilaquiles I made you guys for breakfast" I said with a smile as I passed them two plates of my food I made. They started to eat and were astonished by it. "WOW! THIS, is good" Noah said as he dug into the plate of food. "I'm glad you like it" I said smiling, next Cooper came down the stairs. I didn't want to look at him out of embarrassment. He sat next to cooper and said good morning. "Morning coop, here's your plate" I said as I passed him his plate of food

         "Holy shit, this is SUPER good" he said as he began to devour his food. "Can I get another plate?" Carson asked. "Of course" I replied as I got his plate and served him more. "See, this is why I made TWO pans" I said laughing a little. We made small talk but refused to look at cooper. I guess he noticed because he pulled me aside to talk. "Hey, are you ok?" He asked me as he held my wrists. "Yeah im fine" I said looking at the floor. "No your not" he said lifting my chin so that I would look at him. "Whats wrong?" He asked. "Did you actually mean to say what happened yesterday? In the bathroom?" I asked him. His face went red and he looked up. "Yes, i did. Did you?" He asked me. I looked at him and I looked down again. "Y-yeah, I did" I replied. "Cool" coop said and we returned to the kitchen to avoid anymore awkward conversation.

          Travis entered the kitchen and we made conversation for a little before heading back to our rooms. I stayed in my room on my phone for a bit until Carson came in. "Hey, whatcha doin?" He asked as he sat on my bed. "I'm just on my phone, what's up?" I asked. "Nothing, I'm just bored" he replied. "Wanna go on a ride?" I asked him as I sat on my legs. "Sounds fun" He replied with a smile and i got up to put my shoes on. He headed to his room to do the same. When I was ready I grabbed my phone and keys. "Ready?" I asked him. "Yup, let's go" he said. The others where in the living room doing I don't know what. "We'll be back, gonna go on a stroll around town" I said and left the house.

We got in my car and started to head towards the area that the mall near by is. We drove for a while and had a lot of fun as we got recognized from fans in there cars and on the streets. After a while we decided to go to the nearest convenient store to get some snacks. "Good thing I had loose change in my Car" I said laughing lightly. We payed for our food and headed back to the car. "You know I have to say, your a really cool person, and.. i really like you" he said as I started the car. "Oh, thank you, I really like you too" I said trying to make it sound as FRIENDLY as possible.

We started to head back home and joke around as we listened to music on the radio. When we arrived there was nobody in the living room. I figured they where in there rooms and started to head to mine. I checked the time and saw it was already 3. I start stream in two hours. I decided to tidy up my room and put some eyeliner on. When I finished I texted cooper-

Hey, where are you?

I'm out with a friend, why?

Oh, who?


Oh, ok. I was just wondering

I know it's a bad idea to get jealous of him hanging out with a girl but, WHAT? Who even IS Alice? I decided to get it off of my mind and start up my stream. "Hi guys, how ya doin?" I asked them. They all responded with good and ok. "It's nice to see you guys doing good, I decided since my games have loaded, we play MINECRAFT!" I yelped. "I WANNA PLAY!" I heard trav yell out. "OK GET IN THE GENERAL CALL" I yelled and went to discord. "Hello?" I asked. "Hi" he said. "Hi, ok we're playing Minecraft. I swear travis, if you kill me in the first round I will kill you irl" I said and laughed.

          When I entered the server Travis was already in the world and he started to hit me with a sword. "TRAVIS! NO STOP!" I yelled but it was no use, he killed me and I put my face in my palms. "I'll be right back" I said to my chat and walked out of my room to head into travis's. "TRAVIS!" I yelled and he quickly turned around, I noticed he was also streaming but didn't care. "You remember what I said before right?" I asked him. "Uhh.." he began to say but headed for the door. "If you stop running I'll make it easier for you" I said to him calmly but he ran anyways. "TRAVIS!" I yelled and ran after him. "BRUH" I yelled and crashed into the couches after him. He yelled and I back handed smacked him. "Next time, I'll punch you" I said with a smile and he laughed as we walked back upstairs. "Ok, BACK to the games..."

we continued to stream and game for three hours and when we were done, we walked downstairs and I made pizza rolls. We laughed and talked until cooper came in with a lady that had blond hair and was very skinny. "Hey" he said as him and the girl walked over to the living room. "What the fuck?" I whispered to Trav and I couldn't help but spy on them. They started to play a movie and sat there watching it. After a while I looked back up and she was snuggled into him. My heart broke and I asked trav if we could go upstairs, he said ok and we went to his room.

" fuck, I cant believe I'm saying this but-" I started to say as Trav listened to me whine. "I still really like cooper, like REALLY like him" I finished what I was saying and he hugged me. "I get it, he probably doesn't even like her, she's just a friend" he said and we talked about this movie we were waiting to come out to get over the previous topic...

Cooper pov:

I came home with Alice hoping that Yn was there, to my luck she was. "Hey" I said and we walked to the living room. I was hoping Yn was looking over. I hung out with Alice to make her jealous, and I was hoping it was working. During the movie she snuggled into me and I froze, we were friends, she NEVER pulled anything like this on me. I didn't like her like that, she had a boyfriend. When they left upstairs she pulled a move on me. "Why dont we go back to your room" she whispered in my ear. "Uuh, you have a boyfriend" I replied to her. "But he's not here right now" she whispered back and I got up. "Why dont you leave" i said with a smile as she got up. "Fine" She said and left the house I walked upstairs and heard Travis and Yn talking. "Fuck, I can't believe I'm saying this but-" she paused. "I still really like cooper, like REALLY like him" my heart started to race, and my hands started to sweat. 'She feels the same' I thought to myself. You know what, I'm gonna pull a move tomorrow, we deserve it.. right?

(AN: YES IM SORRY IT ENDS ON KIND OF A CLIFF HANGER? I'm sorry, I'll hopefully either post today again or tomorrow:) anyways, I hope you liked this chapter, thank you for reading! <3)

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