Pt.1~ news

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Noah pov:

Me and the boys have been thinking about moving in together. We already had an idea and where we wanted to move, we just needed to find a place. Me and cooper where gonna go to the city and look for 5 bedroom houses since we didn't know who else was gonna move in. We found a really nice house that was in our price range and our description:) we instantly decided on it and bought it. Cooper texted the other's while I was texting someone I had in mind to move in...

           Yn pov:

        I was laying in my bed as I had just finished streaming when I got a text message from Noah.

Hey n/n (nickname) I have some awesome news

Hi! What's the news?

We found an awesome house here in SD!!

Wow! That's awesome!! Now I can visit you whenever:)

Yeah, about that. I need to ask you something important

Wait what happened? Did someone die?

Haha, no. it's justWe bought a 5 bedroom house, and there would only be 4 of us. So I was wondering, are you up to move in with us?



Hell yeah!

Awesome! I'll text you the address and you can start to bring your stuff on Wednesday. Sound good?


Alright, cool. Text ya later


        This must be a dream come true!! I have been looking for apartments because I have been dying to get out of this dump of a place. I live in San Marcos, but I was raised in Santa Bárbara, and Mex:p

It's Monday today so I should start packing my things tomorrow since I'm to flipping lazy. I was scrolling threw Instagram when Noah sent me a text, it was the address.
"Awesome! Thank you so much" I texted back and continued to go on social media. After a while I got tired and decided to make food.

"Hey, I have some news" I said to my roommate/ friend f/n. "Hi, what's is it?" She asked. "I'm moving out" I said as I grabbed an apple tossing it towards her. "What? With who?!" She asked frantically. "With an old friend and-" I cut myself off. "Some other friends of ours" I said gulping. I didn't know who I was moving in with. " your gonna leave me here?!" She yelled. "Well, it's a great opportunity! I'd be moving to the GOOD SIDE of San Diego! In a nice house!" I yelled back. "Fine then, I see how it is" she said walking down the hallway to her room as she dropped the apple midway.

I rolled my eyes as made myself a bowl of spicy ramen and watched tv for a while before checking the time. 'I should probably go to sleep' I thought to myself as I turned off the tv and put my empty bowl in the kitchen sink. (TOP ;-;)

I went in my room and changed into some shorts and a t-shirt. As soon as I hit my bed I fell asleep...

Noah pov:

"Hey guys, I found someone to move in" I texted Carson and Travis. "Oh cool, who?" Trav asked. "She's an OLD friend of cooper, which is why I'm not telling him, and you aren't either" i said and they both texted confused. "She is coopers best friend from when she lived in Santa Bárbara with him, but they lost contact like three years ago since she moved over here to San Marcos. So I wanted to surprise them with each-other so DONT tell him. Got it?" I said. "Yup" Carson texted. "Mmhmm" través replied and with that we didn't say a word to cooper about the situation...


Yn pov:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. "Ugh! Shut up!" I yelled as I threw my phone to my carpeted floor. "Jesus.." I whispered under my breath. I checked the time, "9:30" it read. "Crap! I have to pack" I said to myself and got to it. I put out that I wasn't going to stream for a couple of days because of something going on, which is me moving. I have a big fan base. I have over 1m subs on youtube and on twitch. I ended up packing my Pc first since I wasn't gonna use it and just to get it out of the way. When I was done it was around 10:30 something. I then began to pack my toiletries and towels and stuff.

After I was done with that I began to pack my make up (which wasn't a lot) and clothes. I began with my underwear, then my bathing suits, then my shirts, pants, shorts, Accessories, and socks. When I was done it was three in the afternoon. I wanted to get lunch so I showered and changed into an obey t-shirt, black windbreaker, black ripped jeans, and black high top converse. I'm not gonna lie, I'm still emo lol.

I left outside and got in my car (I had a black Jeep Wrangler) and drove to McDonald's. I ordered chicken nuggets, a big Mac, Pepsi, and fries. When I got home with my food I went straight to my room and ate as I watched YouTube on my tv. When it was 5 I decided I should start to vacuum and clean my room and bathroom, so that's what I did. It took my in total 5 hours to finish with both. As soon as I was done I changed into a tank top and pj pants and went to sleep without dinner...

(AN: SORRY THIS IS SO SHORT, THE NEXT ONE WILL BE BETTER I PROMISE!! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed:) I'll be updating hopefully frequently)

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