Pt.3~ streaming

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         Yn pov:

              I woke up in an unfamiliar room and felt someone's chest rising under me. I slowly lifted my head up to see who it was and saw  cooper. I blushed and looked at the bed for Incase he was up. I looked at him again and he was still asleep. I slowly got out of his embrace and walked out of the room. I went downstairs because I smelled something good coming from the kitchen. I walked in and noah was making breakfast.

             "Good morning" he said. "Morning" I replied and asked where the mugs are. He slid me a cup of already prepared coffee. "Wow, thank you" I said smiling. "No problem" he smiled and turned back to cooking. "First plates up. Here you go" he said as he passed me the plate of scrambled eggs and french toast. I dug in and finished my food in 5 minutes. "You WERE hungry huh?" He asked me. "Yeah, well. I haven't eaten" I giggled and washed my plate. I realized I was wearing the same clothes as yesterday so I decided to shower.

            "I'm gonna go take a shower" I said and walked up the stairs. I walked in my room and saw the state it was in. "Crap, i need to clean as soon as I'm out" I said to my self. I rummaged threw a backpack of mine and took out some sweatpants with a random t-shirt. I grabbed a towel from another bag of mine and walked out to the bathroom. I opened the door and turned the shower head on. I undressed myself and hopped in the shower. Not even 5 minutes in the shower someone came in. I didn't acknowledge them and continued with my shower. After a minute or so they closed the door and left.

           When I finished I opened the curtain and grabbed my towel. When I was done drying myself I changed into my underwear as I brushed my teeth and combed my hair. Someone opened the door and I quickly closed it. "Knock next time!" I yelped and quickly put my clothes on. I opened the door and it was cooper. "Cooper! Why didn't you knock?" I asked. "I didn't know you where in there, sorry" he said. "It's ok, It was my fault for not locking it." I let him in to brush his teeth as I dried my hair.

            When we were both done with what we were doing we left the bathroom and walked into our separate rooms. I began to organize and clean my room for until I was satisfied with the outcome. When I was done it was 3 in the afternoon. You know, the pc is up and running, I don't start stream until 5. I should come back today! I went on my phone and tweeted that I would stream today at 5 PM EST and began to do my bed. When I finished I began getting ready for the stream. I figured since my games where not loading I would just play music for them.

         I set up my camera, plugged in my guitar, set my microphone up and waited for the time to change. I went to the bathroom before and when I came back cooper was in my room. "Hey" he said as he got up from sitting on my bed. "Hey, what's up?" I asked as I sat where he was. "I just wanted to chill in here, is that ok?" He asked. "Of course, but I'm gonna stream. So idk if you wanna be in it" I said. "I'll sit over here" he said as he sat down on the floor. "You can sit on my chair if you want, I'm not gonna use it" I said. "Aren't you gonna game?" He asked me as he sat down. "No, today I'm just gonna play music since they don't want to load" I said with a grin. "Oh, well yeah. I'll just sit here" he said and sat down with one leg over the other.

         I checked the time and it was 5:07. Uh oh, I'm late. I quickly started the stream and greeted them. "Hi guys, yes. Today as you can see I'm playing music for you. My games don't want to load so, I'll just do this" I said with a giggle. "Anyways, any requests?" I asked them. I kept seeing a lot of reques for the song "lost" by frank ocean that I had once played. "Alright, I'll play lost for starters." I said. "I'll use my acoustic for this one" I said and picked up my baby. I began with the signature thrill filled beginning. "Double d, big full breasts on my baby" I sang. "Triple weight, couldn't weigh the love I've got for the girl" I continued with the song and hit every soft note. When I was done I looked at the screen and saw a lot of people complimenting my singing and how controlled my voice is. "Thank you so much! Your all so nice" I said with a smile. I looked over at cooper who had a ¿satisfied? Look on his face. "Are you ok?" I asked him and put my hand on his knee. "Uh, yeah I'm fine.."

        Cooper pov:

               I had gone in her room to hang but she said she was gonna stream and I just wanted to be in the same room as her so I stayed in there. She began to sing this song that whenever I listened to it I always thought of her, and not in very innocent ways. It was a sexualized song and I couldn't help but stare at her as she sang it with her soothing but loud voice. She looked so nice, she would look so much nicer in my arms. Fuck, I've been thinking about the last day we saw each-other back in SB. How we confessed that we really liked each-other. I didn't even get to kiss her, or hold her, or love her. But she's here now, and I have plenty of time to just enjoy the moment with her...

            Yn pov:

                     Someone commented to play my favorite song. My favorite song at the moment was one called "I'm like a lawyer with the way I'm always trying to get you off" if you couldn't tell it was fall out boy. I sang the first lyrics along with the chords. I sang it with passion as the person I would have dedicated it to was sitting in a chair, across from me. When I finished I set my guitar aside and looked at the comments. "Who's there with you?" They kept asking. " he's My best friend since the LONGEST time " I said as I looked at him. He smiled at me and sat up. "Do I show myself?" He asked. "If you want" I said with a smile and he sat on my lap as he waved at the camera. "As you probably know, he's. Get off!" I yelped and we laughed as he sat next to me. "As you probably know, he's cscoop." I said looking at my lap as he stared at me. I looked at him and giggled. "ANYWAYS" he said laughing as he put his arm around my shoulder again making me blush. "Im gonna do one more song before I go" I said since I had been streaming for a couple of hours now.

        I saw one comment that read "sing lying is the most fun a girl can have" I quickly read it out loud. "I saw one comment saying to sing lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off, I think ima sing that one" I said with a smirk and winked at the camera. Since cooper didn't listen to my music he didn't know what to expect. I put on the lyrics so that they can see and began to sing. "Is it still me that makes you sweat and all you think about in bed, while the lights are dim and your hands are shaking as your sliding off your dress" it continued with these sexual lyrics and when I finished I said my goodbyes to the chat and ended the stream. "Was that good?" I asked coop and he looked at me weirdly. "Um, yeah. I have to go to my room" he said and quickly walked to his room while facing away from me. "Weirdo" I said to myself and went on my phone for while I waited for dinner to be done...

        Cooper pov:


            Fuck, that's set the line. I couldn't take it, it was just too much. I got a boner by her SINGING, what the hell?? I'm so stupid, ugh. I locked my door and pulled out my phone. I jacked off and did what I had to. when I finished I cleaned myself up and left my room to get dinner. "Nice, veggies" I said sarcastically and picked at my food. "It's good, trust me. I put this sauce that makes ANYTHING taste good" he replied. "Sure you did" I took a bite of a piece of broccoli and spit. "I'll just skip dinner" I said and put the food I didn't eat back in the pan thing. "Your missing out!" Yn yelled and ate her food. Eww.

AN: THIS SI WEIRD I KNOW IM SORRY ITS JUST WHDLNDODNDODN IDKK, I hope you enjoyed though ;) anyways, thank you for reading!<3)

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