2# Elizabeth √

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Beth's POV



The intense pain was smashing my over body and opening my eyes was the next difficult thing. I heard someone gasp.

As I opened my eyes, I notice white. Everything was white. White as heaven.

Where I am?

Am I dead?

"Zia." I heard a girl shouting, I even heard her running.

As I turned my head towards the voice, I saw a boy, almost 7-8 years old sitting beside me. He resembled someone. I don't know who, neither I was planning to find out about this. I wanted to relieve myself from this pain. With complete determination, I brought my hand over my stomach to feel it, but it felt empty. I couldn't feel my baby. Where was my baby?

Yes, I didn't want it, but I never hated it. It helped me keep my senses when I wanted to kill myself. My aid of loneliness. At least, for a while, I had someone to talk to. It was my way to escape from the present, and I hoped to start a new life with at least this baby.

"Let me help you." The nurse helped to sit as soon as she enters.

"I was so worried about you." Kate came with a little girl who looked like a replica of my younger sister, my Vicky. Red hair, blue eyes.

It was like Vicky was standing right in front of me. She was looked barely four years old, shy redhead like me, had my eyes. But the reality is, she is not Vicky. My Vicky is dead. Without me, no one would have offered her treatment and now, I am sure my baby sister is no more.

It's all because of Katelyn. She's the reason for my misery.

I despise her, for what she did. It suffocates me. I cannot believe that she is in the same room with me without any shame, as if everything is normal. I cannot tolerate her. Not only that, but I envy that she is enjoying her pregnancy and cannot never get a chance to hold any of my babies.

Somehow my mother instinct told me to look for my baby. I knew I can't keep it, they will never allow me but at least I could look at him/her for the last time. Maybe I could feed him/her. At least, this time, for the first time. I haven't fed any of my babies.

"I am sorry for the loss.....babies were already dead," Nurse said.

I felt my heart being tone into pieces again and a lone tear escapes my eyes.

"Babies?" I questioned.

"Yes, both girls were already dead." The nurse gave me a tissue to wipe my tears, but I preferred to lay down and hid my face in the pillow.

"Zia, perche la momma piange?" I heard a sweet voice. (Aunt, why is Mother crying? ")

"Beth, I am sorry." Kate was sad but, instead, she should be happy. It is her revenge. "Meet Elizabeth Rossi." She was pushing this little girl towards me.

"lei sta spaventando." Elizabeth was terrified and was not ready to leave her.
(She is scary)

"lei è tua Madre." She scolded the girl.
(She is your mother)

Elizabeth clutched her dress tightly and closed her eyes. "She's your daughter, Beth." She said.

Jennifer's POV

"You know, she needs to be breastfed," Amber, one of the nurse notified me. She was checking the vital for the sleeping and tired baby, who has been restless for hours. "She's already too weak."

"I know but......."

"There's a lady, she had twins. Unfortunately, they were already dead. She must be lactating. Maybe, she could help you." She advised. Everyone knows that the baby's father could be destructive. And if he finds out that I am not able to breastfeed his infant daughter then, I would lose my job. My house. Everything.

I need to do this. For my son. Stability is my primary focus.

"How is she?" I asked Amber about the lady. Amber and I have known each other for a long time now. Almost 2 years.

"Horrible." She said. Her expression explained the horrific scene of a mother losing her babies. "She was severely abused. Both sexually and physically. It's a miracle she survived." She whispered as if this is a secret.

"Maybe, she's a survivor."

"Indeed. Her private parts were almost infected." Amber was ready to leave the room. "Despite all her injuries, She has very peaceful vibes around her. I am sure, she'll help."

Edited: 19th April 2021

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