The Art Assistant

Start from the beginning

"Yea. Its my part-time job. I really love it."

"You teach people how to paint better?"

"Not all the time. I'm only the instructor's assistant. Though when he's out of the room, I teach people how to paint and draw better." Well that basically explained everything. We stood in a sort of awkward silence that didn't last long due to Alice grabbing my arm and tugging. "I'm ready to go."

"Alright. See you again Nelson." He smiled at me and I felt my heart skip a beat. "See you at school." He waved bye and I waved back before leaving with Alice. All the while we were in the car and even at the house, my thoughts were swirling about Nelson. He seems so nice and... cute. Its hard to believe that's the same Nelson everyone at school ignores. Even me. But now that I get a closer look at him and talked to him, it makes me want to get to know him more.


I woke up, actually surprised I did before my alarm went off. But only by a couple of minutes. I watched the digital clock as the numbers changed and my alarm went off. I shut it off and wasted no time in getting ready for school. Going downstairs, I saw Alice already at the table, eating a bowl of her sugar-filled cereal. Mom was making some scrambled eggs for me and dad was already eating some pancakes. I sat down and waited for the eggs. Once I was served, I wasted no time in eating and was finished in a few minutes.

I made my way to my car and started it up before driving to school. Without even realizing it, I had went over the speed limit and got to school in no time. I usually don't do that. I parked and got out, immediately looking for Nelson. Instead, I found my usual friends who were already waiting for me at the school doors. Katie was the first to notice me. "Hey Ricky! You look awake for once!" Does she always have to yell her words? Oh, wait, that's just how she is. Guess I'm not awake. Matt was then looking at my face and being a little too close for comfort. "You're right. He does look awake for once. Usually you come to school looking like a zombie."

I let out a nervous laugh. "I had woken up sooner than I usually do so that may be the reason." They all nodded in understanding before going back to their previous conversation. Might as well take the chance to sneak away and find Nelson. I was able to slip past Matt and into the school, looking into different classes for Nelson. You never know if he's hanging out with some friends in a different class. I continued to look, eventually coming to the class I have with him. I looked inside, surprised to see Nelson sitting in the very back, drawing in a sketch book. Who would have guessed?

I made my way to where he was sitting, actually thanking the heavens no one else was in here with us. I wanted to talk with him alone but my reasons still weren't clear. Why can't I ever figure out my own self sometimes? Once I sat down, Nelson's eyes fell into mine and we stared at each other until I spoke. "Hey Nelson. What're you doing?"

"Just drawing a bit. Mr. Grayson thought I should work on my art."

"Mr. Grayson?"

"The instructor I help at the art studio. He says I spend too much time helping out the students there and need to work on my own art." Nelson laughed slightly and looked out the window then going back to his sketch book before looking out the window again. Is he drawing something outside? I leaned in my chair and stared at the drawing on the page. He seemed to be drawing a bed of flowers. I looked outside the window to confirm what my eyes saw. And from the looks of it, Nelson was a really good drawer. The closer I looked, the more I realized his drawing looked just like the flowers outside. Wow.

The bell then rang and everyone piled into the room. Nelson put away his drawing and I pouted slightly. I'd rather be watching him draw then listen to the teacher talk non-stop. Sighing, I turned my attention to the front, catching the eyes of my friends who were staring at me with odd looks. They seemed to be wondering why I was sitting in the back and not in the front with them. I just waved, letting them know I was fine and wasn't going to change my seat. They just shrugged and went to listening to the teacher.

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