Chapter - 12

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" Iz , do you really think these will last ?"- Alec said as he was struggling to put the contact lenses in his eyes.

It was sunday evening.The clock was going to strike 7 and Alec couldn't be more nervous.Jace suggested that since this is his first date ,that too with a fashion designer , he has to look perfect , and replace his glasses with some contact lenses.

"Yeah they will but Alec , you will be fine without them too.. "- Izzy said .He knew the contacts were making him uncomfortable.

" I can't watch anything without them Izzy , you know this."- he snapped.

" No I can put your glasses , if these contacts aren't fine with you."- She said worried.

" I'm fine."- he said.

Alec wanted to be at least a bit looking and his glasses won't do any help.Jace's suggestion was good , he thought.He should be going with the contact lenses.Afterall , glasses makes him look boring.

In only two meetings , Alec knew that Magnus was actually very fashionable.Why would he like someone with boring glasses ?
As much as Alec knew that after this date , things won't go any further and that Magnus was just a bit interested , he still wanted to look perfect.There was a part of him that liked Magnus and that wanted to impress him.
But he really knew , Magnus wouldn't seriously date him or make him his boyfriend.

Alec sometimes thought what would be it like to call someone a boyfriend ?officially.He knew that wouldn't happen.His parents won't accept him dating a man.Still , some part of him wanted them to accept it.

As long as he has learned to live alone and peaceful , there was something in Magnus that was giving him confidence.Still he has to act oblivious to this fact.

" You look handsome."- Izzy said as she turned him around.

Alec smiled and bent down to kiss his sister's forehead.

The bell rang and Alec froze.It was 7.
Magnus was on time.

" okay...I-I..will have to go now."- He didn't why he was becoming so nervous.

" Hey ..alec it will be fine okay.?"- Izzy said and hugged.

Alec hugged her back- " later."-
He said and ran downstairs.

He took a deep breath and opened the door.

Okay.. Remember keep your chill ....don't slutter....keep yourself together ...keep --

And there he was.Magnus Bane.
He looked beautiful.He wore a dark brown jacket inside a black t shirt with tight pants and boots.His hairs were spiked up .He wore a earring on his one ear pinna and a glorious smile on his face.

" Good evening, Alexander." - He said looking Alec up and down.

" H-H- He..Hey"- Alec sluttered and cursed himself.

Damn you lightwood !
This is your idea of no slutter ?

" You look amazing ."- Magnus said and as hard as Alec tried , he couldn't help a blush creeping on his face.

" T-thanks too."- Alec said and meant it.He was partially  mesmorised by his outfit.The way Magnus dresses actually made him feel a little undressed.

Yes go on...slutter even more.So that he dumps you right here , right now !

" So.."- Magnus said.
Alec averted his gaze.He was staring at him for too long and Magnus might have noticed this.

" Magnusssss....!"- Magnus was interupted by Izzy , peeking from behind Alec.

" hey ! Isabelle."- He said and hugged her.

You are quite magical - Malec AUWhere stories live. Discover now