Chapter - 7

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As they moved on the dance floor , Alec felt the dim pink lights over him and the below purple lights of the floor on his whole body.The sound of music increased .It was some pop music which he could'nt recognise.

They stood in one corner , not that much observed by other people since they were busy dancing and making out on the floor.Alec felt nervous now.He has never danced in parties and never even considered it.

Magnus was confident by somehow he seemed to sense Alec's nervousness .He held both his hands gently which made Alec flinch a bit but then he eventually relaxed.

" Just move your body like this."- Magnus holding his hand , maintaing a distance from him , started to make a wave movement side wise , in accordance to the music.

Alec could'nt but stare at how flexible his body was and waving like this made him look even more hot.

Stop brain ! Dirty brain !
He is trying to make you dance here.
Contribute !

Alec tried to mirror Magnus slowly , very slowly.Magnus left his hand eventually when he saw Alec becoming confident in his movements .He was now moving and dancing , actually dancing .Magus raised his eyebrows in appreciation and Alec was now more confident.

" see ? Its not that difficult."- Magnus exclaimed.
" Yeah ...yeah...its nice."- Alec said .He could feel the music now and now with Magnus around he thought he was'nt alone in dancing.
Alec from a distance , could see Izzy smirking at them but he ignored it.It was the first time he was dancing , at a party, among people .

He was'nt someone who was sitting secluded and look like a looser.He let himself being ease of.

Alec could see Magnus swaying hips in a very good manner.
" You are a good dancer."- he said.
" I try , Alexander."- he replied and laughed.They were dancing at a distance but enjoying each other's company.

"You know what this looks like ?"- Magnus asked still dancing.The music was'nt loud so he could he heard by Alec.
" What ?"

" a moment when in 13 reasons why , where Clay and Hannah dance .."-

" The night we met song ? "-

" absolutely."- Magnus replied and they both laughed at the refrence.

" you know what this is like ?" - Alec said now.

" What ?"-

" A maniac learning to dance and failing badly."- alec said laughing at himself.
" Ouch.You hurt me."- Magnus said placing a hand on his heart dramatically.

" ..I was talking about myself "-

" I don't think you are looking at a maniac."

" You think ..but other won't think like you."

" Others don't matter, Alexander."-
Magnus replied and Alec smiled.

The music stopped and out of now where new music started which was.....a romantic music.Alec saw at the music counter , Izzy smiling at him.She must have told the Dj to play a romantic song.

God ! I will abandon her.

Alec glared at Izzy and she just smirked by raising her eyebrows.He could see all the couples coming on the dance floor.He stood there watching Magnus who was watching him with hopeful eyes.

What should he do ?
Going away to save himself from couple dancing will really look bad .Magnus was really nice to him the whole night.He cannot just leave him here standing on the dance floor.

Magnus , again, saved the situation for him by extending his hand towards him.
" if you don't mind ?"- Magnus asked with a very soft voice and puppy eyes

You are quite magical - Malec AUWhere stories live. Discover now