Beautifully Bruised

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The next week had been pretty much the same, get up early, go to rehearsal, get through the show, go back to the hotel, sleep then repeat. Only tomorrow was the day you would join the boys and their families for dinner.

You'd been really over worked the last three days, it seems like the staff that were sick at the the first few shows only managed to pass it along and now the staff numbers were really down, unfortunately being so last minute the company wasn't really able to get many last minute replacements to come and so different areas asked you to do a lot of the work.

You were currently laying over the back of the lounge like a sloth, your heels were hurting, thankfully your ankle had heeled already or it'd be even worse. Your phone was going off but you were so tired you struggled to get yourself up.

It rang out and you groaned trying to push yourself up but you were too sore and too tired to move so you sort of gave up, you'd already completed all work for today and had already checked on all the boys before retiring to your hotel room so you couldn't begin to think who it would be.

You'd honestly tried to stay off of the phone whenever you didn't need it since your position was revealed. It had mixed reactions, half were excited that the boys were being looked after well, the other half hated the idea of another girl being around the group. And there were the obvious fans who were excited the dating rumour was false, Jin hadn't really stopped playing along with it though as more articles came out now that you weren't hiding what your job was.

The phone didn't ring again so you gathered it mustn't have been important when someone knocked on the door.

Y/N: hello?

You called out tiredly lifting your head up and looking towards the door

???: Noona? are you okay in there?

A muffled voice could be heard from the other side.

You forced yourself up and dragged yourself over to the door pulling it open

Jimin: Noona? are you okay?

He asked now that he could see you, you rubbed your eye trying not to yawn as you looked up at him

Y/N: mmm

You mumbled not really having the energy to speak.

Jimin stood quietly in front of you for a moment and for a second you thought he had left your eyes had closed and when you reopened them you were now on your lounge

Y/N: wha-what?

You sat up snuggled up under a blanket, the television was on with some kdrama show playing, you began to think you'd dreamt that Jimin had come to see you, you could hear water running though and the light to your bathroom was on.

 You pulled the blanket off and crossed the room looking around for something to hit the person with, you grabbed the lamp off the table and quietly opened the bathroom door


You screamed in a very high pitch voice, not even trying to hide how terrified you were


He yelped trying to cover himself with his hands as you stood there stunned

Jimin: NOONA!

He yelled louder snapping you out of your day dream, your eyes almost fell out of your head and you stumbled turning around at lightning speed to try and leave the bathroom only tripping over the lamps cord that you had NOT unplugged when you grabbed it for protection

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