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I felt miserable for what he did after Iya and Abhay left the room, I really felt like apologizing, I knew what I did was completely wrong. I was angry because we lost and jealous about Tom in the meanwhile and the credits he gave Anvi made matters worse for  mebut that did not mean that he forces himself upon her. 

I went down to the team bus and they left, Abhay was siting beside him but he was not talking to me. 

"I am sorry." I said softly. 

"Dont tell me this, tell it to her." Abhay said. 

"I am going to." I said. 

"Good, do it today itself." he said 

"I will but will she forgive me?" I asked him. 

"What you told her was mean Shubh. Why would you do that to her?" Abhay asked. 

"I dont know, I was just angry." I murmured. 

"Angry? For what? She is supposed to be angry at you because you were the one who left her Shubh not the vice versa." he said. 

"I know I am sorry. I will apologize to her but you forgive me first." I said. 

"You do not need to say sorry to me Shubh, you did not do anything to me, Anvi is my best friend and more like sister, I am bound to feel angry if you do something like this to her and you know Iya's anger. Tell her sorry Shubh." he said. 

"I will." I said and he nodded. 

We reached the stadium for practice and we got down. The Team England were already there but Vi was not to be seen anywhere. We started practicing and Vi entered the stadium in her full glory and entered the ground. 

"Catch." she said throwing a phone towards Tom. 

"What the hell Anvi?" he screamed while catching the phone. 

"I had to go all the way back to get your phone say thank you." she said and Tom stuck his tongue out. 

"You got Starbucks because of that which you are not going to drink." he said, why is he controlling her?

"I am" she said and went up on the stands and sat down and Tom went behind her. Why is he following her like a lost puppy? Practice mate. 

"Shubh, we are starting the fielding drill come." Virat bhai said and I went but Tom was still up. 


I am in the stands right now and I can feel him looking up at me. What does he want to do now?

"Anvi your caffeine intake is too high these days." Tom said snatching my drink. 

"I need it to start my day." I whined. 

"You know that its not good, it has a lot of disadvantages." he said. 

"Stop being so diet conscious, I am not an athlete, you are." I said. 

"Your addicted to it." he sighed. 

"I did not sleep last night. You want me to fall of to sleep here?" I laughed. 

"What were you doing last night then?" he asked and then smirked. 

"Yuck bro, its not what you are thinking." I said realixing what his smirk meant. 

"Then?" he asked me. 

"Get lost mahn and let me do my work." I said. 

"Geez women chill. But if there is someone then you can tell me." he said and got up. 

"Wait call the first person for the session." I said and checked the list. 

"It is you only sit down." I said and he sat and we started the session. 

"We are done, call Ben for the next session." I said to Tom and he left. 

I looked down and saw that he was still looking at me. Why is he doing this? I mean first he leaves me and then comes back with his god damn girl friend, kisses her in front of me and then forces himself on me and keeps staring at me. What is he trying to do? 

 Ben came up next and I got busy for the whole day with sessions after sessions with each player. It was around 4 when I final got up and stretched a little bit. I went inside to use the washroom and wash my face. 

I came out and started walking towards the stands when I felt a pull and I was pinned on the wall again. It was Maan. 

"What the f*ck? Is this your everyday work? Then do it with your girlfriend." I said and he left me. 

"I am sorry." he said with his eyes down. 

"What? Repeat it." I said. 

"I am sorry." he said loudly. 

"Sorry?" I asked and laughed. 

"I am really sorry Vi - " he was going to say something more but I interrupted. 

"Anvi, its Anvi for you." I said firmly. 

"I am really sorry Anvi, I regret doing what I did and said yesterday. I was just - " he said and I interrupted him again. 

"You were just what ha? What were you trying to even prove yesterday? That  you are stronger or I cannot resist you or whatever. See Mr. Shubman Gill, your presence clearly does not affect me at all. What do you guys think? If you leave a girl she will be broken? She will be crying herself to death? We are not that weak Mr. Shubman Gill, our career matters to us just as  much its not only you guys who can work hard to earn a reputation. But once we move on after forgetting someone like you who cheated on me, your ego gets hurt? How did she succeed after I broke her into pieces? I know how to fix myself and I know how to defend myself from people like you. I never thought that you will stoop so low. I do not need your sorry at all. If you really want to do something for me then just stay away." I said and walked away. 

A tear rolled down my eyes. I do not know why he is doing all this. He seemed sorry but I had to get my thoughts out and I was angry. Are you even a psychologist? You are not able to decipher your own feelings or control your own anger. 

Two more days Anvi, ignore him. 


Hello!! I am back with another chapter!!


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