Sharing the News

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Hi there. I'm so so sorry for the delay, but don't worry I will complete the story for sure. (later than never right hehe~) There will be at least two more chapters. This one here is a break from the usual angst and a bit of love to honor my username lol. Hope you enjoy it and stay safe!


"You what!?" Shikadai exclaimed, the water he just drank went right up to his nose. Boruto sat in front of him at Kaminari Burger with a dumb smile and a faint blush. "We're not even twenty!"

"What can I say?" Boruto shrugged. "I don't want to sound like a dork, but it's always been her, you know."

"You're a lost cause." Shikadai grinned at the blonde as he dried the spilled water. He then placed a hand on his shoulder and nodded smiling. "Congratulations."

Boruto chuckled. "Thanks, but don't tell anyone. It's kind of secret, since she wants to become Hokage and I'm... well, a murderer."

Shikadai's smile faded away and so did Boruto's. "You're not and you know it, Boruto. Just let me know when you get married, I want to be there."

"You kidding?" Boruto said raising a brow and resting his face on his closed fist boringly. The cheerful atmosphere quickly invaded the space again. "You're my best man, of course you'll be there."

This time it wasn't water, it was the burger that left Shikadai coughing. "Can you talk after I swallow the next time?"

"Sorry." The blond said smiling again.

"Tying the knot, huh?" Chocho grinned as she ate a potato chip. The coffee shop was mostly empty since it was the late evening, but the soon-to-be Uzumaki didn't find it in herself to wait. The Akimichi was her best girlfriend after all. "Why so fast? Are you pregnant?"

"I'm not!" Sarada said with a deep blush she tried to hide behind the cup of tea she held."I just love him."

"Ah, the romance! You know I'm a sucker for that." Chocho said dreamily making Sarada chuckle at her. "When is it?"

"We don't know yet, but you have to keep it a secret." Sarada said. "Boruto is considered a criminal, even if it's not true."

A bitter taste made her change her happy expression to a grimace. Boruto wasn't guilty, and it made her sick that everyone to thought he was. Having to hide the fact that she was getting married made her sick. All her life she dreamed of a healthy marriage, unlike what her parents had. Oh and they couldn't fool her, neither was happy being away from each other but duty calls louder than love. It made her blood boil that she was pushed to live in the shadow because of the people's opinion. But then again, if she wanted to be Hokage she had to make some sacrifices.

Sarada snapped out of her increasingly dark thoughts when she felt a hand placed above hers on the table. She looked up to Chocho who had a soft smile on her lips and a tender gaze. "I know it must be difficult, all of us know he isn't a murderer. And you know what they say, the opinion that matters is the one that comes from the people you love."

Sarada thanked her the gesture with a nod and a smile. She cleaned the tears with her free hand, lifting her glasses up a bit in the process. "You'll be my bridesmaid by the way."

Chocho let Sarada's hand go as she squealed in delight. "Have you picked the dresses? I don't want to steal you day by looking better than you."

Sarada tried to contain a chuckle. "I was hoping you'll help me out."

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