He informed us how the top line at Windson was attempting to bribe the tender since they knew that they were no match to our resources and investments, and could not contest us otherwise. When they failed, David Windson, their CEO, was visibly angry and it seemed that he was scheming to turn tables.

I was getting anxious. Did David Windson plan my father's accident out of spite and revenge? To win this tender?

Our contact had solid proof that could prove corruption and bribery charges on Windsons' in court. He agreed to provide us with the same, trusting our integrity and arranged for another meeting in a week to give us a handover.

I was shocked and could not contain the fact that Windson's could be related to my father's death. I had to get to the bottom of this. It was a big breakthrough, and I was getting closer to find the truth.

It was almost three pm at noon, and there was no news on Emma. Brett was out of reach as well, his phone on voicemail. I just could not wait any longer.

My manager informed me that all ferries and commercial flights to Lofoten had been cancelled, and there was no way I could get there. However, after a lot of attempts, he pulled some strings and arranged a slot for me in the last available helicopter charter that could fly me before dusk.

I instantly agreed.

I was running short on time and had to meet Erica, but I came up with an excuse and cancelled on her last minute. I could not help myself but rush to Lofoten.

This girl will be the death of me someday. Why was she so oblivious and ignorant? Please be safe, Emm.

Throughout the commute, I attempted to get in touch with Brett, and when I reached Logoten, it had already started raining heavily.  Thankfully, the moment I landed, I received a text from Brett.

He found her.

She was in a bad state; she had passed out due to extremely cold weather conditions and was lying unconscious under a tree. But due to his expertise and training, he managed to get Emma down safely before it was too late.

I had arranged for a warm cottage to the south of the island, that was the closest from the trek she took. The moment I saw her still and unconscious in Brett's arm, I felt a lump in my throat. I was scared to lose her. I quickly took her inside and placed her next to the fireplace. She was drenched, and her skin was cold as ice.

There was no way we could find a doctor or take her to the hospital in such conditions. I had to take care of her by myself.

She was knocked out for seventeen hours straight. I had been continuously checking in on her and making sure the fireplace was keeping her room warm. It was still raining heavily outside, and by no means, we could have left this cottage even to go to the nearest healthcare facility.

Thankfully, Brett arranged for some essential supplies, including necessary food items and medication. I was restless to see Emma still unconscious and was praying that she woke up soon. And thankfully when she did, I felt so relieved.

However, I couldn't help but feel amused when she reacted frantically finding herself alone in this cottage without any clothes.

She looked adorable, and yet so naïve. I couldn't take any more of her screaming and flipping out, so I shut her up by kissing her beautiful lips and tasted her sweetness. She was numb initially, but then she reciprocated. My muscles relaxed the moment she kissed me back. I have missed this, I have missed touching her. This was the moment I had been waiting forever since I met her again. I wanted to claim her lips and devour her, and I felt a wholeness when she didn't stop me, and reciprocated.

I don't think I will be able to take back what had already happened between us today, and I had already unwantedly let her in. She had become an undeniably important part of my life, and we couldn't, or rather at least, I couldn't turn back now. I could never let go off her innocent eyes and her angelic face.

I brew some hot coffee and cooked her some eggs and toast, that was the best that was available at the moment. That's when I realised, she had entered the room wearing her yesterdays' clothes that I had carefully dried for her; and was standing near the living area visibly shy and nervous. The moment I saw her, my heart warmed up.

I chose to break the awkwardness by calling her first, "Emma. You are here. How are you feeling now?"

"I am better, thank you." She mumbled, dodging eye contact.

"You haven't had anything since yesterday, come sit, I have made us some eggs. I hope that's ok. That's the best we have right now" I gestured her to take a seat.

She awkwardly walked towards me and sat in the dining area. I took both our plates and sat next to her. She was still and did not initiate eating; I warmly held her hand, squeezing it a bit and asked her to start eating. She gave me a small nod, and we both ate in silence.

Once done, I took the plates and headed to the kitchen, while Emma seemed a bit lost in her thoughts.

"Who is Brett, Jake? How did you find me?" She asked bleakly without making any eye contact again.

I knew this would come up, and no matter how much I was hoping to avoid this confrontation, I couldn't ignore it forever. Believe it or not, the mighty businessman was anxious answering this petite girls' questions.

I have always had my way around girls, but this was the first time I felt nervous. Unlike with other girls, I really care about what Emma thought of me and I did not want her to think of me as a jerk who was forcing his way into her life.

I was genuinely hoping that she didn't doubt my intentions. I was extremely hooked on her. She attracted me in more ways than my heart could take. It wasn't just physical attraction; it was a longing that made me go weak in my knees. She was a feeling, the one I wanted to drown in and never be rescued.

My heart was pounding uncontrollably, thinking that now I would have to tell her the truth. I didn't know how this conversation would conclude, but I was sure Emma was completely confused right now, and she deserved answers.

The Girl With a Broken Heart💔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora