I work for a couple hours before my whipped self decides I want Elle in my arms so I head back to our room and strip down to my boxers. I move Elles laptop onto her nightstand and wrap my arms around her waist as I get under the covers.

She stirs a little at the movement but when she notices it's just me she relaxes and allows herself to go back to sleep. I smile lightly at the fact she feels safe with me before I go to sleep as well.
Elles POV
I got off my period a few days ago. Thank goodness, those seven days were hell.

Rafael is in his office doing work. I feel bad, I know him spending so much time with me is the reason he's behind.

I'm sitting in the living room by myself on the couch. The house is very quite as all Mafia members are on some sort of mission. I didn't ask because I'm sure it involves lots of violence.

I peer out the window and smile lightly at the thick pure white snow that coats the ground and trees. As Christmas approaches the weather becomes more and more cold.

We live in New York so of course temperatures drop very low in December. It's gorgeous here, absolutely nobody around on our land for miles.

I'm astatic for Christmas. Only 10 more days. Rafael said we would decorate the house today after he finishes his work. He told me he'd never decorated the estate before for any holiday but he was happy to oblige this year, knowing it would please me.

I've already orders Rafael's presents. Not with his money of course. I did some cleaning and chores for the gang members, like teaching Xander how to braid hair so he could do it for his little sister when he saw her this Christmas.

Or organizing Noah's closet, and they were happy to pay me. So I took the money and purchased Rafael's presents.

I know Rafael has enough money to buy whatever he wants, but I picked something that I think he will love and that's what matters.

Eventually Rafael walks into the living room. "Hey Babydoll" He says as he sits down next to me on the couch.  "Hi" I respond smiling, I hated being away from him as clingy as that sounds.

"I need to tell you something but don't freak out, Ok princess?" He asks and I nod. "My sister just called, she's coming to stay for a bit and visit us, she wants to meet you."

My mind goes into over drive and I have a lot of questions. "You have a sister?" I ask in surprise, my first question. "Yes, she's younger then me, only 17, I love her a lot. Shes very different then me though" He says and I give him a look, telling him to go on.

"I was raised by my father to be a man who could take over the Italian Mafia at 18, there were no night time stories or hugs. He was tough on me, I knew he loved me but he had to raise me to be strong." And I nod in understanding, I wish my father loved me, that he could show any empathy. I try not to think about him as it will only cause heartache.

"My younger sister, Isabella, was raised with love. My parents sheltered her, she's a very happy bubbly, outgoing person. Where as I'm very closed off. She still lives with my parents, and goes to High school. Besides coming from a Mafia family, she is in no way involved in it"

"So does she know about it, know that you're the leader of the Mafia?" I question and Rafael nods. "Yes, she's very aware." "So is she uh delicate?" I ask referring to the part about her being very sheltered from the world.

"Not exactly, she doesn't know pain like I do, but she's not sensitive. She's quite sassy and opinionated. But baby, stop worrying, she's going to love you" and I sigh.

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