Y/N look up at the person as she immediately took her chopstick back and claps her hand together on the lap. Some of the boys notice her.

"What's wrong Y/N? " Namjoon asked.

Y/N shook her head.

"No, I just-"

"Do you want tangsuyuk but Yoongi hyung took away the last one? Wah, hyung you're too much" Jimin said with a fake shocked expression on his face.

"Wha-no" Y/N said as she bring both of her hands to motioning a NO sign.

"Yes, I saw it I saw it" Taehyung said while nodding and munching his food.

"We still have more Y/N. Here here" Sejin said as he bring the plate of tangsuyuk closer to the girl.

"T-Thanks oppa" Y/N just smile shyly at Sejin.


A knock can be heard from the door as a boy is standing in front of his hyung door while knocking and calling his name.


"It's Jiminie"

"Come in"

Jimin began to come in, he saw that the older guy is laying on his bed while playing with his phone. Jimin then start to took a seat on the bed next to him.

"Hyung" Jimin called the older guy.

Yoongi hummed in response.

"Did you think about my words properly?"

"Yes and I think that you're an idiot.." Yoongi replied.

"..and I'm a fool for listening and believing your words" Yoongi scoff as he continued.

"Wha-why?" Jimin asked with a surprised tone.

"Seriously Park Jimin how could you assume that she actually likes me? You ruined everything now" Yoongi began to get up as he is currently sitting now.

"She hates me now" he hang his head down as he ruffle his hair.

"So thanks a lot Jimin" Yoongi glare at the younger boy.


"Hyung, why you never accompany Y/N?" Jimin asked the boy. Both of them are in the car heading towards their dorm.

"She already have you guys, I don't see that she needed me to accompany her anyway and it's not like I could make her happy" Yoongi replied, not taking his eyes from his phone.

"Wah seriously hyung how could you be clueless?"

Yoongi furrowed his brows at the boy words as he began to turned his head towards him.

"Didn't you see how she looks at you?"

"Didn't you notice her stare everytime we practice?"

"Didn't you notice how her smile is different when she's talking to you?"

Yoongi sighed.

"Listen Jimin-"

"I'm not being delusional hyung"

"It's the truth and you know it. She feels the same way. So of course you accompanying her would make her happier than we do"

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