D A L A W A M P U' T- L I M A

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A/N:This will be a major fast forward. Why? Because I just want to finish it now for a reason that I got stuff to focus to at the moment and I don't want to leave this story behind and left it hanging. It's hard to update when I don't remember the story. You know what I mean? I'm not sure if I can pick up the pieces where I stopped. And I don't know when I will have time to update this story if I don't end it. You may say that I can re-read my story so that I can pick where I left. Yes that is a valid argument but sorry, I hate reading my own stuff.🙈 LOL......... so yeah bear with me. 😅 Well you have too...... if u don't then fcking leave🙄......... kidding 😆😂😅

I just need to push through this one. If you don't like it then it's fine with me.


Lisa's POV:
It's already 4 years since I got back. We graduated and doing our own way to reach our dreams, I guess.

Jennie decided to handle their family business with Jisoo. Every passing day they become so serious about business and I can see how they become more mature in different things.

Rosè in the other hand, had an opportunity to become a singer and an actress. Out of all of us she is the one that is serious about music. She writes songs that everyone keeps on singing. But what is great about her is that she still sticks with Jisoo no matter how famous she is now.

Well if you'll ask me what the hell I'm doing? Well I build my own dance studio and started my photography studio. But sometimes I handle our business here in korea but mostly bambam do that for me. I'm 100% good with my family now. We usually visit then in Thailand when we are free. When I say we, I mean with Jennie. They gel along too well.

We're actually here at our hotel room in Norway to celebrate my birthday.

"Babe what are your plans for tonight and for the following day?" Jen asked me while fixing our things

"I don't know yet. Do you have in mind?" I said as I answer her

"What about we go for a diner later tonight then tomorrow let's have a little food adventure?" she said as she smile excitedly

"Food adventure? What is that?" I said laughing

"Let's find their local food and try it?" she said

"What if it look like disgusting?"

"Then you're the only one who will eat it. hahaha"

"Hey that's not fair! Haha I think I better eat you than eating anything hahahaha" I said as I tease her

"crazy!" she slap me on my arm

"aww baby" I said and pout

"Don't pout you look like a monkey"

"I Love you" I said and hug her that makes her

"Hey, you okay?"


"What are you thinking?" she asked me, I put my hand on her cheeks

"Just thinking stuff"

"What about it? Don't stress yourself too much baby." She gave me a peck

"Could you believe it? It's been 4 years that we're together and it feels like yesterday." I said

"yeah. Just thinking our journey to here makes me feel nostalgic." Jennie said

"Look how different our lives is from the day we first met. You've changed a lot Jennie. You become the most beautiful mature woman that I loved and always love."

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