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Lisa's POV:
During the meeting i'm so nervous if you could see it. I still don't know if i can do this. There'e so many "What if's" my head is full of thoughts, worries and plans but i always keep it bottle up with myself.

As you may notice i really don't know what in todays meeting. I feel like my brain is flying to somewhere.

I might look like i'm serious on what I'm doing but i really don't do anything. I just pretend like i'm busy with something until they decided to call it a day.

As they starting to leave the room i immediately look at Bambam and he got what i mean by one look and he held my hand and run outside the room.

We need to hurry up bambam's gang might be at the gym already.

We reached the gym and tried to prepare for ourselves.

Jennie's POV:
Were about to leave the student org. office when one student approach us and said "hi ms. Jennie, someone ask me to say to you that you need to go to the gym." She went to me and gave one sunflower

"Who gave this?" I ask but she held my wrist and try to guide me to the gym

"Wait! I can walk by my self." I said but with a high tone

"Sorry ms. Jennie. They ask me to make sure that you will be there" she said and bow to say sorry

"Who do you mean they?" I tried to ask again but i got no answer so i just walk to gym to know who are they and what they want

"Woooh someone seems to have a surprise by her baby huh" Jisoo said as we walk to the gym

"I bet it was lisa hahaha" Chaeyoung said

My eye rolled on them and continue to walk "i swear if this is because of that lisa i will get her bald." I said. But to be honest i hope, at least hope that she's the one behind this

I'm quite as i walk. I really didn't mind what Jisoo and Chae said to me. I'm focus on walking to the gym when a familiar person starting to approach me.

All i see is a wide smile.

Ohh god

This is not real isn't it?

Am i dreaming?

Wait the girl beside me i should be in the gym.

But why this person is walking at the hall way towards to my direction.

It was only three steps away from me and we decided to stop walking.

And he put his arms wide open and smiling.

"Can i have a welcome back hug?" Someone said

"Kai?" I said shocked but i manage to smile back

"The one and only" he said and i walk towards to him and give him a warm hug. I saw some students taking pictures and i heard some of the say words but i really can't hear them clear. But one thing is clear to me is when someone said how about lisa?

"Oh Kai? Are the one who wants me to the gym?" I ask him

"Hi Kai!" Jisoo said and they shared a hug

"Oh hi Jisoo and you are?" Kai ask looking at Chaeyoung

"I'm Park Chaeyoung, Rosè for short." They shake hands

"Beautiful." Kai said and wink

"Back off kai she's mine" Jisoo said and grab chae's hand.

"Ohhh i never thought Chicken would be this over protective hahaha don't worry i won't get her from you. I only have my eyes on someone" Kai said and look at me

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