Another halfhearted roar as he picked up a motorcycle and tossed it a few feet away. 

"Why do I have a feeling everyone's going to notice?" Scott asked as Hulk bounded towards the Sanctum. 


The Sanctum, 2012

The Ancient One was busy.

She destroyed alien after alien with ease, keeping the Sanctum safe. Hulk jumped onto the roof of the Sanctum, unnoticing of the Ancient One, and moved to open the door that allowed access to the Sanctum itself.

"I'd be careful going that way we just had the floors waxed." The Ancient One commented from behind Hulk. 

Hulk turned around, and took a few steps towards the Ancient One. "Uh, I'm looking for Doctor Strange." 

The Ancient One arched an eyebrow. "You're about.. five years too early." She remarked. "Steven Strange is currently performing surgery about twenty blocks that way." She pointed towards the hospital. She dropped her arm, and turned to the hero. "What do you want from him?" She inquired. 

"That actually." Hulk pointed to the amulet around her neck, which held the Time Stone. 

"Ah." She said, seeming to understand, looking down at the amulet, before turning back to look at Hulk. "I'm afraid not."

"Sorry, but I wasn't asking." Hulk stepped towards the Ancient One.

"You don't want to do this." The Ancient One warned.

"Ah, you're right, but I need that Stone and I don't have time to play--" The Ancient One pushed her hand into Hulk's chest, separating the Bruce from the Hulk. Hulk lay unconscious on the floor, and Bruce hovered in the air, like a ghost.  

Bruce glanced down at the green giant in surprise. 

"Let's start over, shall we?" The Ancient One put her hand down, her voice pleasant. 


Asgard, 2013

Thor and Rocket crept quietly through the palace of Asgard. They spotted Frigga, and several of her attendants, and hid behind a column.

"Who's the fancy girl?" Rocket asked, jerking his head toward the hallway where Frigga had disappeared.

"It's my mother, one aspect of her, at least. This aspect of her dies today." 

"Uh, that is today?" Rocket asked.

"I shouldn't be here.. I shouldn't have come." Thor said, his voice panicky. "I might slip up, I might mess up the timeline.." 

Rocket suddenly slapped Thor. "Look, you won't mess things up. Besides, we shouldn't see her that much anyways. Look, I get you miss.. this version of your mom, but we have to focus on saving everybody else." 

"You can do this!" Rocket said encouragingly. "Now come on, let's get this stone outta your girlfriend."

"That sounds wrong." Thor mumbled as he led Rocket through the palace.



New York, 2012

"Better hustle Cap, looks like they're just about wrapped up here." Tony said through the comms. He was near the top of the Empire State Building, and every now and then, he'd stop monitoring their past selves and stare up into the sky, trying to see the palaces of Olympus, or at least imagine them.

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