Chapter 15

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It's been about three days since I've moved in with Zayn. I felt happy, like I've never felt before. I set down the box of hair dye with a sigh of grief. I'm going to be a blonde, I'm excited because it's going to be a new me. I've taken out all my piercings except my ears and belly button. My snake bites are forever gone sadly, but I actually like the way I look without them. I smelt coffee being brewed out in the kitchen.

"Bay, you up?," I heard Zayn call out. I slowly made my way to the kitchen with my hair up in a bag.

"I don't know, you tell me if I was just in bed," I laughed. He turned around and I watched his eyes go straight to my hair.

"No no no! What are you doing to the purple," he said dropping his cup.

"Relax, it's just blonde," I smiled at him. I looked down at the ground looking at the shattered glass all over the floor.

"I'll pick it up," he laughed. I watched as he bent down showing a bit of his boxers.

"Nice," I said walking by him smacking his butt. He seemed a bit surprised at my actions but smiled at me.

I got myself a cup of coffee and sat out in the living room with my legs crossed up on the couch. Now I'm not one to sit on a couch and drink coffee and just enjoy the day, normally I'm trapped inside my room listening to my favorite the dark. Those days are over.

I looked around the room seeing photos of me and Zayn hugging and holding hands. How on earth did anyone take those? I looked over at the clock and jumped to my feet. "Shit," I yelled. I ran to the bathroom and started the shower, my hair dye sat to long.

"Babe, is everything okay?," he said lightly knocking on the door. I began to wash out the dye and condition it like I'm suppose to do. After I finished I wrapped a towel around myself and didn't look in the mirror. Honestly I was scared to look.

"Bay?," I looked up and gasped. I fell to the ground.

"No," I cried. It's white, it's not even blonde it's just white. Zayn unlocked the door and walked in.

He let out a little laugh but once he saw my face he changed his attitude.

"It looks amazing," he spoke up.

"No need to lie to me," I said crossing my arms.

"No really, it fits your complexion," I looked up at Zayn and let out a big laugh. He cracked a smile at me and held out his hand. I took it as he helped me up.

"You are the reason I get up everyday," I said hugging him.

"The blonde makes you look hot," he said with a little cat sound after it. My eyes got big as I smacked him on the arm.

"Calm yourself Malik," I laughed at him. I made my way to the closet as I picked out yoga pants and an slightly oversized shirt. No I'm not becoming a typical white girl, I hate Starbucks. I threw my clothes on quickly. I did light makeup and walked out to the living room again. My hair was completely dry, and fluffy.

"Oh my," I heard Zayn say. I did a little spin. "You look amazing," he said getting to his feet.

"Ah ah ah! No touching me!," I said pushing him back. He did a pout.

"I actually love my hair," I said bunching it together in one hand.

He just observed me, watching every movement. I can see the hunger in his eyes. I gave him a smirk. I went up to him kissing, him slowly, just before he could kiss back I backed away. I put one finger on his chest tracing it down his torso. "I was thinking," I said looking in his eyes. He had a little smile on his face. I felt my finger hit his belt. "That maybe, just maybe," I said sliding a hand in the hem of his pants. "Certain thi-" Zayn cut my off by picking me up and pushing my back against the wall. I wrapped my legs around him as he kissed my neck. I let out little moans escape my lips. His hands went up my shirt searching for a clasps but by his surprise, I was wearing only a tank top. I felt a smile form on his face. He pushed me against the wall harder as he kissed my neck more, pulling my skin. I took my hands down to his belt and pulled it off his pants. He backed away from the wall with me still hanging onto his waist with my legs. I dropped my legs letting his pants fall to his ankles. I watched as he kicked his pants across the room. He took my shirt over my head and threw them where his pants landed.

"God you're so beautiful," he said before he pushed me against his skin. He backed us onto the couch falling on top of me. He pulled at the hem of my yoga pants, he began to pull them off and throw those too, as well as my tank top. Leaving me in nothing but my underwear. He smirked as he examined my body. He took his hands and went up my sides. I pulled at his boxers. He seemed confused. Like he didn't think I wanted to go this far. I began to pull down his boxers farther and farther down, but then he jumped up and shock his head and walked away. I stood up and followed behind him. I laid across his back, he stood stiff. I wrapped my arms around his waist going for his boxers again.

"Don't walk away from me," I said to him. Even though I wasn't looking at him I know he was smiling. I pulled his boxers down leaving him completely naked. My breast still again this back, I took my hands to his chest and slide them down his whole body. I felt his head go back once I took his dick in my hand. I moved it up and down slowly pumping him, light moans coming from his mouth. "Let's finish what you started," I said leaving a kiss on his back. I turned around and took my thong and left it where I left his boxers. He took my breast in his hands, I took his dick back in hands as a threat to drive him crazy if he was going to try and drive me crazy. He bent down and gave me a peck on the lips. His hands went back to my waist, he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. I let out a loud moan and his slide slowly inside of me. He let out moans as well as I did. He dropped us back on the couch and pushed harder and harder inside of me. I could feel myself getting weaker and weaker. My hands roamed his back leaving scratches all over him. He would slow down then speed up. I could tell he was getting a little tired, after all it is early in the morning. I moved out for underneath him, letting moans out. I moved him to where he was sitting. I got on top of him and slide down on his dick. I let out moans louder than Zayns. I bucked my hips and bounced every now and then. I would lean in and kiss him every so often. I felt his hands reach my hips once again as he would lift me up and shove me back down. I let out massive moans, calling out his names.

"Bay!," he screamed as he moved my body around. I put my head in the crock of his neck and kissed it softly, I bucked my hips as he continued to move me on him. He continued to scream my name before we both came.

Our apartment was nothing but full of heavy breathing and clothes thrown all over the place. For once in my life I felt wanted, almost needed not in a sexual way but more. I felt more to Zayn.

I laid my head on his chest as he traced circles on my back with his fingers.

"I love you," he whispered in my ear and kissed my forehead.

I wanted to say it back but I didn't know how, I couldn't. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I gave him a little smile, but he could see something was wrong. Before he could say anything there was a knock on the door. We both jumped, but didn't reply.

"I know you are in there, me and my wife could hear y'all," me and Zayn let out a little laugh. "Open up," our angry neighbor called to us, but we didn't move instead we laid there covering our mouths from laughter.

The first time in a long time I felt happy, so happy that I could just burst into tears.


So yeah it has taken me months to update but school literally has killed me, I honestly have no idea if anyone is even reading this anymore, but yeah leave a comment and a vote please.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2014 ⏰

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