Chapter 11

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Today is another day. Another day for me to get bullied and pushed around. I parked my car in my normal spot. No one would really pay attention to me but today they all looked. I grabbed my things and started walking to the building. Everyone was out of my way.

I saw Johan walking towards me. "Hey Jaybee!" I yelled. He looked up then back down. "Can we talk?" he whispered in my ear gently grabbing my arm.

I agreed and he walked into the locker room. "Can you guys leave?" he asked the girls in there. They flashed him a smile and they all walked out.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he said pacing back and forth. "Tell you what exactly?" I asked a little confused. "You and that bastard!"

Bastard? Is he talking about Zayn? Seeing the night of the party they got along swell.

"Bastard?" I said sitting down. He nodded.

"Zayn, Zayn Malik" he seemed pissed. I made a confused look. "What about him" I saw the anger flash into him.

"What do you mean what about him? He is bad news Bay! He really is" he raised his voice at me. I stood up.

"We've been dating for awhile now you can not, CAN NOT! tell me what to do and tell me he is bad news. He is only showing you what he wants everyone to see" I raised my voice. He shook his head.

"You are asking for it"

"Asking for it?"

"Yes!" he yelled again. I was about to ask asking for what. That's when it hit me.

"Why didn't you tell me" reverse physiology. He looked at me weird.

"What? What are you talking about" he rubbed the back of his neck.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about" I grabbed my things. "Just when you are actually ready to tell me you can..I mean I already know" he was stressing out. He was nearly on the edge of it. He was sweating and I mean badly. I walked out and walked to class.

First block, it's the usual. I sit there while people talk smack about me. Actually today no one did. I really want to know why. By the time third block was here I became interested. No one talks to me, calls me names, throws things, or anything to me today.

Zayn was here today he hugged me a couple of times in the hallway with a little kiss on the cheek. It was unusual for him to do that.

The final bell rung to go fourth block. I went to my locker. Surprise surprise Inaam,Becca,Samantha, and Nikki were infront of it. I stopped dead in my tracks. I had to think. Do I run? Or do I take it?

I decided to take it today. I walked up and Nikki tapped Inaam's shoulder. They all turned around. She leaned against with her arms crossed.

"Excuse me" I said nicely. She laughed. "I said excuse me" she stood there. "What are we in your way?" I nodded. "Oh I'm sorry.." she laughed. "It's fine, I can tell that you've gained some weight so I know you are moody" I did a smirk a her. She swallowed hard. "Why I oug-" she stopped.

"Do you mind? She asked to move! So move" I heard his voice behind me. Her face was as pale as casper the ghost. She grabbed everyones arms and moved out of my way. "Next time Bay! When your boyfriend isn't around" she snickered.

"Bye! LAY OFF THE BIG MACS AND TWINKIES WILL YA" I yelled back. She looked as if she wanted to cry. I put my code in and threw in my book. I heard him gentle lean on the locker next to mine.

"Hey" I said. He didn't reply. "Hey" I said again looking at him this time. He was biting his lower lip. Oh did he look good.

"Hey" he finally spoke up in a raspy voice. Oh my god he is just to much. I shut my locker and stared at him. He did the same to me. "You didn't have to make them leave" I laughed walking past him.

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