Chapter 10

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I felt his grip get tighter but then he let go of me. He cleared his throat. "Just go to class" he said. He didn't even look at me in the eyes.

"So are you happy I'm here? Or not? Because you seem bi-polar one second you care then you don't. Pick what you want to be, because I'm not going to sit here and let you mess with me like this" I put my finger in his face. I fixed my bag on my shoulder and walked towards the stairs.

So school is all the same. Nothing changed in a matter of like what? Four days? A week? I don't know how long I've actually been gone for. I mean some of the guys here have beards now. Last time I saw them they were clean cut.

Last bell of the day was going to ring. I was sitting in a chair watching a movie. Zayn was no where to be found.

Spoke to soon? He opened the door and light came flooding in. He wasn't quiet drawing all attention to him.

"WHOO PARTY" he yelled. He came swaying in the door. Behind him a bunch of people. People with blow horns. I sunk down in my seat. I don't want anyone seeing me.

"Where's my girl?" he asked. "Well where is she?" no one answered him. They don't know about us. He wants it silent anyways. "BAY C'MON SHOW YOUR SELF" he yelled. I stood up slowly. "Ah there she is" he pointed at me.

"CONGRATULATIONS" they all yelled. My face was burning up and my blood was rising. Zayn ran to me and hugged me. "Go with it okay?" go with what?

"YEAH" he yelled. Now i knew. He is pretending to be drunk. Unlike everyone else who actually is. They all walked out and he sat down by me. If someone was drunk you would smell the alcohol on them. He smelt like himself. That same ole good kind of musty but the smell of the woods. He just smelt like fresh air. An out doors-ey smell.

I felt him put his arm around me. He normally wouldn't do any of this in public. I felt their gaze on me. Becca and Nikki were starring. Why though? What is there to stare about?

He whispered in my ear. "I love you"

How do I reply to that? I know he doesn't love me, but he knows I do. It's so hard to say these three little words. So simple to say in your head but hard to say out loud in person. I just looked at him and smiled. Not even ten minutes later the bell rang. Zayn shot up. I stood there lost with out him. I looked around. I saw him talking to Becca and Nikki. My heart dropped. They were all laughing. I threw my bag over my shoulder. I have bigger things to deal with. Like perhaps skeeter and my new room mate, and carlos. Where ever he is.

I walked back to my car grabbing my keys from my pocket. I dropped them as soon as I saw my car. 'Welcome Back Skank' on the sides of my car. Whore was written on the wind shield. I dropped to my knees. I felt the tears swell in my eyes. I'm not going to go around like this. I heard a ton of laughing coming around me. "It's so true" why does everyone think of me this way? Why? I'm so tired of it. I stood up and started running my way through a group of people. I don't know where I am going but I'm going there. I found my self in the girls bathroom on the floor. No one knows how it hurts do they?

I figured the school left. I know they have a hose on the side. I walked back to my car. Still tears in my eyes. I drove on the side of the school. I threw my bag on the passenger side. I got out and turned the hose on. I sprayed it down. I'll have to go through a car wash as well. I used full force to get it off. How can they not get in trouble for that? All my life they've been doing this to me. They get away with all the time. It's so not fair.

I went through a car wash just like I said I would have to. I slowly drove by my house. No one was home. I went back to my place.

I waved at the ladies but they didn't wave back they shook their heads at me. Well fuck you too. I said in my head. I unlocked my door.

Trader•Zayn MalikTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang