Chapter 6

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I slowly walked to fourth. What's the point of even going to school anymore if my parents are sending me away?

I opened the doors to the theatre, I felt the cool wind hit my face. I took my seat in the audience chairs. I reached up to rub my eyes, but instead I moved my hair.

"Ms. Marcy! You have some where to be, don't you?" I looked at Mrs. Drew. I sighed really loudly so everyone can here me.

"Attention whore." I heard the whispers go around the room like I wasn't there.

"I can HEAR YOU." I looked at everyone around the room.

"Bay...When are you leaving?" I felt water form in my eyes.

"Today when I get home," I said to her. "What's the name called?"

I didn't want to say it out loud. "Mental Health Association Process of California," I whispered. She patted my back. I felt the water fall from my eyes. I wiped them away fast before they fell off my face.

"You know you will be able to still attend school right?" I nodded with my head in my hands.

"You will be okay," she repeated that over and over again. She was comforting me. Something no one has ever done for me. It feels so weird, but right at the same time. It feels really good. I felt her get up then sit back down. This time her hand felt rougher. More strength in the rub. What going on?

No matter how hard I wanted to look up and see who it was, I didn't. I don't care who it was. Being told it will be okay. I will be okay, it feels so amazing.

"Never once did you ever walk alone. Never once were you left on your own. You are faithful," ran through my head. I cried on whoever it was until I couldn't cry no more. I lifted my head up.

"Thank you," I said. Once I saw who it was I smiled deeply.

"Jolly, Thank you, Jolly," I reached for a hug. He gave the best hugs in the world. He held me close.

"Please don't cry again Bay." he lifted my head up with his hand under my chin.

"You are to beautiful to cry" I felt my bottom lip tremble. I wanted to cry again. He actually cares for me. I never thought he did. I swiftly let out a whimper of pain.

"What?" he stood up. I helped me and looked around me for any cause of hurt.

"Give me your hand." he took my hand in his and rolled it over so my wrist was showing. Once he saw my cuts I saw his eyes get water in them.

"Did you just now do this?" he asked with such anger. I looked at him dead in the eyes then looked away.

"Bay!" he nearly yelled. I looked at him dead in the eye. I couldn't take it. The look he gave me.

"I'm sorry," I whisper really quietly. I felt two strong arms around me. I wrapped mine around him. I heard his soft cries in my ear. Knowing that what I did caused him to cry makes me cry.

"Please give me the blade" he whispered.

"Jolly please," I whispered in his ear. He let go and walked away.


We have been practicing for a while now. It's so hard because the show will be in a few months. I haven't talked to Jolly since that day. I haven't talked to anyone.

I took my seat.

"Hey" I looked up. Once I saw him standing above me I looked away. "I want to know something". I looked down still.

"Please look at me" I finally looked up. "Want to go out?"

Wow! Did he just ask me out?

"No I mean like hang out" I looked away at his statement. "I want to know you better"

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