Chapter 2

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"Why are you blaring your music?"

I rolled my eyes. He is so rude.

"I asked you a question Bay." I looked at him, trying to think of what to say.

"So I can get on your nerves, you never respect me at all. Everything is about you. You make the money and you spend it. You judge me for how I dress, what I can't wear skinny jeans with band shirts?"

He looked around. He walked in and sat on my bed.

"Uh no! Get off my bed." He stood up and headed for the door.

"I don't ever want to see you again," he told me. Right behind him the door slammed. I leaned back against my bed, hardly pushing it.

After a couple of minutes or so I got back up. I folded everything so nice, everything so neatly. I dropped myself on my bed, causing me to bounce back up.

I grabbed my phone and went on instagram. I checked my feed. Seeing what people said about me.

'Go die, you think you are someone when you're not' I smirked at the comment.

I took a picture with my middle finger sticking out, along with my tongue.

With that I put my caption as 'Haters, ah ha they make me stronger'

"Care free!" I snickered.

I turned my attention back to my phone, after I had a laughing fest. I plugged my headphones in so Dave, my step-dad, won't hear it.

"This house is haunted by ghost

and they've been talking about us

like vultures to the dead

They circle around us

And how I've been begging for air

But I'll just keep dreaming darlin'

And hope for the sun to draw

The dark from within us

Say it like you mean it

Then let us go, let us go

Act like you can't see them

Or this will be the death of us

Kiss me like you love me

Just one more time, one more time

And make-believe that I believe

That I sleep alone at night


I tried denying they are real

But I feel them tearing inside me"

My music stopped as something popped on my screen then it started to play again. I picked up my phone.

"Really Johan?" Johan goes to my school, he has a band that's the only reason why he goes here. His Band is called Her Bright Skies. They are truly amazing. I was just listening to them right before he texted me.

"A party? Can't be that bad." I moved my phone out of my face. I happen to look at myself.

"Ah, not bad Bay not bad." I threw my phone down to get up.

I was checking my makeup. "Full black eyes, check, black everything, CHECK, band shirt, double check" I said out loud. I slipped on my Chuck Taylor boots and headed out my door.

I tried sneaking down stairs, but the quieter I tried to be the louder the stairs would creak. I made it to the last step. I thought I was all clear.

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