Chapter 8

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"Nice ain't it?" he joked. I wanted laugh but what's there to laugh about.

My mouth was wide open. "Well the bathrooms are over here, and I'm sure you know how to work it. I hope you like it here, and if you need help press this little white button over here and I'll be happy to help" he smiled. "Thank you so much"

"Oh and you do have a roommate her name is Skeeter" I nodded. He smiled once again.

He left slowly closing the door behind him. I threw my bags on my bed and started unloading. I folded my clothes and put them in my dresser drawers. I heard my door knob twist and walked in was a average girl. Once I had a full look of her, she looked like me. "Oh my goodness. You scared me" she laughed. "Sorry, I'm -" she cut me off. "Bay Marcy yes I know, Marcus told me, I'm sure you know who I am." she didn't smile. "Yeah he told me about you" she walked over to her bed and plugged her phone in. "Your phone will be cut off soon" she said. "What why?" I closed my closet door. "It's for some treatment" she plopped down on her bed. "It's so weird. It's like we share a room because we look alike" she got of her be and took a look at me. "I noticed when you walked in"

We had a good conversation and actually have things in common, more than I thought. "So what are you gonna do when your brother finds you not a your house?" she used a lot of improper grammar like me. "Not sure, I'm scared though...I mean I'm not gonna see him for months" she cleared her throat. "Years" she stated.

I took a heavy breath and went on the floor. "I just don't think it's possible for me to get help. There's nothing I can really say" I heard her chuckle. "And it feels like I'm just too close to knowing you" she sang. "Are those even the right words?" she shrugged her shoulders. "You know what band I really want to see?" I shook my head. "Her Bright Skies" my eyes opened more. "I know them" she came closer to me. "Really?" I nodded. I told her about them, how they aren't as nice and just every detail.

I felt like I've known her for years. "Oh so Johan isn't as great in person?" I said yes. "Well that blows, so do you have a boyfriend" I swallowed slowly and hard. "Y-yeah" I said quietly. "Well go on now, spill" she laughed. "You might not like him" I stated clearly. "Oh just come on I don't judge" she snickered. I could tell she was interested. "Zayn Malik" she grabbed her mouth. "Really? Like seriously?" she was excited. "You know him?"

"One Direction" she yelled. I smiled. "So how long has it been?"

I had to tell time on my fingers. "two days exactly" she made an aw sound.

"He just doesn't seem right" I folded my legs. "What do you mean? It's Zayn Malik everyone would kill to date him"

I looked down at my legs. "True, I don't know maybe I'm just not used to dating some famous...or dating at all" I whispered the last part.

I woke up the next morning to a chime. Skeeter was up and moving. "Come on now Bay! We have to run" she was throwing her long pink hair into a hair tie. She slipped her sneakers on and waited. "I'm not joking let's go" she stood her ground.

"What should I put on shorts and a tanktop?" I laughed. "Yes! We are running two miles today" my mouth opened. I thought she was using the word 'run' as to hurry.

I jumped out of my bed and she threw some shorts at me. I slid my tanktop on and threw my hair up. I put on my nikes and we went out of our room.

"Hurry done you guys, we must do two miles. Like they always say, Running helps with depression, and almost all mental health problems. So let's run to keep shape and to clear our minds" everyone said in unison. We all headed out the door.

All girls lined up behind eachother and all the guys did the same. The guys left first and took a different route then we did.

We went up hills and had motivation. I stayed close to Skeeter, so I could talk to someone.

She mentioned home. I stopped gasping for air. "Carlos" I said out loud. "Bay! Are you okay?" skeeter came running back to me. "Yeah I just need some air" she pulled me out of everyones way. She sat me down. "It's your brother isn't it?" I nodded. It's like she can read my mind. All I can think about is that Carlos wakes up two days in a row and no visit from me. Not even a sign. Tomorrow I go back to school. I haven't seen Zayn in a day. Like he cares. Jolly is probably scared, Jaybee well he won't care if I'm dead or alive.

I got back on my feet. "I need to clear my mind" I said. She smiled and we started to catch up. I can't imagine how Carlos feels right now. I miss him so much.


I'm super sorry it's really short and that it's been like a billion years since I've updated but I've been with school and well yeah school.

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