epilogue - minsung

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[ minsung epilogue ]

"You're annoying." Were the first words that left Han Jisungs' mouth the second he opened the front door to reveal a smiling Minho who was carrying a box filled with sweets and snacks. Minho feigned hurt at the boys' words, pouting and gasping out loud as though he had been severely wounded. "Why aren't you an actor instead of a model?" Jisung stated, still blocking the entrance completely. 

"I could be both if you want babe," he said with a wink, pushing him slightly away from the door and making himself at home. Jisung stood stuck to his place. Although Minho always called him babe, be it in online or offline, he still could never properly grasp the whole idea of that being Minhos' nickname for him. What made matters worse was the fact that Jisung knew that Minho had a lot more pet names up his sleeve and although a part of him wanted to find out more about them, he knew that if he did start to use them, his entire being would immediately shut down. 

To Han Jisung, Minho was ethereal. He was a god walking among mere mortals, the very ground he walked on immediately being blessed by his mere presence. But, Jisung was horrible at expressing his feelings to the older boy, instead choosing to be borderline rude and mean to him. 

And, as if he wasn't already completely in love with the older boy, he fell even more in love with him when he refused to give up on him, constantly commenting and messaging him although he wasn't consistent in his replies. 

But, Jisung would never admit to that. 

"You can't just enter a house without permission!" Jisung screamed, approaching Minho who was placing all the snacks he had bought onto the dining table and giving Jisung a small smile that for a second, literally made Jisung forget what he was doing and where he was going, freezing on the spot. 

"But angel, I want to spend the day with you."


"Do you prefer a different name?" Minho asked, a smirk playing on his lips as he turned around to face Jisung who was completely frozen in his place. Minho leaned against the dining table and folded his arms together, trying to meet eyes with Jisung but the latter kept staring at anything else but at him. "Is my baby shy?" 

Minho noticed Jisungs' ears turning red as Jisung opened his mouth to say something but Minho was two steps ahead of him, walking over to him and placing his hands on both sides of his face. "My love, your face is burning. Do you have a fever or is it just because you're so hot?" 

Jisung opened his mouth to say something again but this time was interrupted by another voice. "Innie-ah do you want to go-oh hello Minsung," Hyunjin greeted, walking into the house as though he owned it and giving a small wave at Minho and Jisung before screaming again. "Innie! Let's go on a date!" When his voice had died down a little ( probably because he had reached Jeongins' room ), Minho let out a laugh he had tried to stifle earlier before squishing Jisungs' cheeks, the younger frowning at his action as the butterflies in his stomach began flapping aggressively. 

"First of all, I'm not your love nor am I your baby. Secondly, I'm not running a fever and thirdly, get your hands off my face!" Jisung said, his frown getting deeper but not once making a move to remove Minhos' hands, secretly enjoying the warmth of his touch. 

Minho dropped his hands from his face, looking down at the floor before lifting Jisung and draping him over his shoulders, earning a yelp from the younger boy. "Put me down!" 

Minho shook his head, holding tightly onto Jisungs' legs and ignoring the fact that Jisung was punching his back. "You only told me to get my hands off your face. I'm simply obliging to your request babe." 

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