Akito scares you

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Yuki- Akito saw you kiss Yuki at school. He approached you and grabbed you by the collar. "You can't break the curse, no one can". He chuckled he twisted your collar so it was hard to breath. "Never touch him again, you won't take him from me". You cried from pain, but didn't make sound until Akito punched you in the gut. You kicked him in the chest and sent him tumbling then you ran. Straight into the arms of Uo-Chan. Crying you told her Akito attacked you but not what he said. Yuki saw you and Uo, the look on your face told him who was to blame. He walked up to you and took your hand. "Who the hell is Akito"? Uo asked taking your other hand.

"Head of my clan, there's a reason I live out of the main house". He sighed kissing your forehead. "He can't hurt you". He told you kissing your head again. You tried to push him away feeling uncomfortable. Uo held you and took you to the nurse so you could breath while Yuki called Hatori to tell him what had happen.

Kyo- "no one can love the cat". Akito growled holding you against the wall. "No one can break the curse, he's not worth your time, do you hear me"?! He screamed in your face. He slapped you and threw you to the floor seeing you through the window Hanajima rushed to your aid. "Leave my friend alone you beast". She growled.

"You have no idea". He said walking away. Hana hugged you and you started crying. Kyo found you and pet your head.

"Hana hold her I'm going to"- you cut Kyo off grabbing his hand. "Stay here with you". He sighed letting you put your head on his shoulder. He kissed the side of your head. "Nothing Akito says matters". He told you holding your face up wiping your tears. "I promise".

"I'm sending this Akito bad waves". Hana glared in Akito's direction of when he left. "Very bad waves".

Haru- you were outside the estate and Akito told his driver to pull over next to your. Akito glared at you. "Leave while you can still walk". Akito ordered freaking you out. You were slightly shaking, when you walked up to Haru and he kissed your forehead.

"What's wrong"? He asked very concerned.

"Akito". Was all you said and he slipped into dark Haru. He kissed you on the lips and turned towards Akito's home. "Akito was leaving the property when he said it". He nodded and kissed your head. You frowned and Kagura approached you. She hugged you and pet your hair.

"Akito doesn't know what he's saying. I promise". She told you. "Haru Akito isn't here". She told him for the second time.

"Doesn't mean I can't mess up some of his shit". Dark Haru sneered. You broke free from Kagura and hugged Haru. He changed into the ox and snorted. "You know this makes it easier"? He asked sticking his tongue out. You kissed his head and hugged around his neck.

"Makes a lot of things easier".

Momoji- "you're young and naive. You don't know any better. You're stupid! You can't break the curse"! You didn't even know what this "curse" was. Akito grabbed you by the throat and pushed you against the wall. "You can never love anyone like us".

"Akito! Stop"! Hatori yelled pulling Akito off of you.

"Who says? You? You're an animal"! You gasped for breath and fell to the floor. You felt someone pick you up and walk you away from the scene. You looked up to see Kagura carrying you.

"It's alright! I promise". She told you. You cried and held onto her. She reached Hatori's office where Momiji was. She set you in a chair and Momoji rushed to your side. He didn't have to ask what happen, he knew. He put his head in your lap so you could pet his hair. He felt pained that he couldn't be closer.

"Don't listen to Akito". He smiled. "Sie können alles tun, was Sie wollen. meine Prinzessin". He told you planting a kiss on your hand.

Shigure- you kissed Shigure and Akito saw. Saw the smile on your face. "You can't take him from me"! He roared jumping on you.

"Akito stop"! Shigure yelled pulling Akito off. "I'm still here I promise no one is taking me"! He yelled restraining Akito. You were breathing heavily, you got up and ran from them. You ran into Ayame who saw your upset expression.

"It's ok, Akito has problems. We won't let him hurt you". Ayame said petting your head. "Let's go find the little Bunny zodiac that'll cheer you up"! He smiled.

You were cuddling the young Momiji in Hatori's office and scratching at your leg. "(Y/n)"! Shigure yelled running into the room.

"I'll go see Akito, sounds like he needs a sedative". Hatori said leaving.

"(Y/n)". Shigure sighed wistfully. Momiji left your lap and hopped off. Shigure kissed you and let himself fall on top of you so you were holding dog Shigure. "I'm so sorry that happen, Akito looses it sometimes! I'm not going anywhere till you feel better". He told you letting you pet him. He snuggled safe up in your lap and you pet him. Eventually you dozed off and Ayame joined you curling into a ball on top of Shigure. They were there to protect you as long as you needed them.

Hatori- Hatori had just proposed, you'd gone to tell the other Zodiacs and Akito attacked you both. Everyone was restraining Akito and he kicked Hatori into the mirror. "It's your fault if Hatori goes blind"! He screamed again and again eventually they fully restrained Akito in another room and called for a doctor for you and Hatori. Yuki sat with you until the doctor arrived. He knew the secret, he treated Hatori and Yuki comforted you.

"Akito always lies". Yuki told you, he knew you needed a hug. He hugged you and turned into the rat, it was the thought that counted in your mind. You smiled slightly. While the doctor treated Hatori's wound. He watched you and felt horrible.

"I can't do much more I got all the glass out and disinfected it. You'll need surgery". The doctor told Hatori.

"No I don't". Hatori smiled slightly crawling over to where you were on the floor.

"You're a pirate". Yuki said noticing his eye patch before running back to his clothes. You kissed his forehead and pressed yours against his.

"None of that was your fault". He told you calmly, but starting to cry. "It wasn't your fault".

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