Chapter Nine : Family Blood

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Clearly he had wanted to get out of the situation " You faught for the wrong people Herc, you are still part of the family, " He had came closer to me with open arms offering to hug me.

"I had fought for the right side Father, you are the one rooting for the wrong!" I had risen my voice to correct him. I was right. I was the one who had their head screwed on right, compared to father. He hadn't been right for a long time as far as I can tell.

"FORGET ABOUT IT!" Father had yelled louder then I had, causing me to raise mine even louder.


"THEN COME OVER HERE AND PROVE TO YOUR FATHER YOU WERE ALWAYS RIGHT!" He had yelled in a loud tone proving his point. I had known he was wrong because he always was, mother  was the only one I really looked up to because she knew how I was. Father on the other hand had no idea how to raise a son.

I had knelt over and had taken my blade in hand. Father had kept the box on the ground as he had prepared himself for the death that was to come. I had wondered why he didnt defend himself when I had approached him I had kept to the plan.

He had caught my blade in his hands and he had pushed it down quickly. He had known who he was messing with so he had tried to take me off from my first blow. Clearly, he doesnt remember me too well.

He had slid his hand as I had pushed the blade towards his body. The cut was between his thumb and his pointing finger. The blood had stained my sword and had caused me to stare at my blade.

Finally , I cant believe that I am seeing my own fathers blood on my blade. Soon, he will die. Like the other elders I had slain, he will die slowly and painfully.

My face had changed and stared at the older man's face. I had a mission to finish before I could kill him off, Ava needs to be brought to Ronan before I can become the Elder. I had to do this one last task for my master before I can retire.

I had taken a step back and had forgotten what I had told him before. Father had stood up and dusted the ash off his fur coat.

"I..didn't know that was in you." He muttered softly to me.

"It always was Father" I had reminded him.

There was a sound of low mutters coming in the distance. There was the sound of Gamora in there somewhere, talking to a lady. She is going to pay for betraying Ronan and her own father Thanos.  I don't know what kind of girl would hurt their masters heart like this.

I definately wouldn't betray Ronan.

Sure he gets a bit annoying, but doesn't everyone? He was talking about Ava, as this goddess and beauty of the universe. It had taken me a while to realise that he was talking about my little sister. I am still a bit sick about that thought.

Father had caught the attention of a maid he had and waved her over. She was like other Xandor ladies: with her magenta skin and dark hair. She was however exceptionally beauitful for a woman from Xandor.

Her eyes had stared at me  studying each feature on my face. She had clearly known that I was family due to our stricking resemblence. Us Taneleers look alot alike you know.

"Carina, this is Herc my son"

Carnia had bowed politely and her brown eyes sparkled in interest" My master's son, Ava is going to be most pleased..."

"Not now! " Father had hissed turning to Carina. She had glanced over and him and had turned a bit reder around the cheeks.

"I am sorry Collector sir"

Written In The Stars : Guardians Of The Galaxy/ Thor Crossover Book Three Of Marvel SeriesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt