Ron, Seamus, and Ginny. All three were standing there with serious burns, panting. It seemed to have taken a great effort getting themselves here.

All Draco could see was red. He was furious that the ones who thought it fun to destroy others' lives decided it fit to come here. Growling lowly to himself, he set harry down gently on the cot before throwing a quick expelliarmus at the three. Swiftly catching the wands, he glared at the small group and called Poppy.

Poppy burst into the room, about to as what the problem was before she spotted the three imbeciles.

"To what do I owe you the displeasure of treating you for?" She asked with such disdain that it rivaled Snape.

The trio stared wide-eyed at the usually caring, mother hen Pomfrey. "B-burns…" Ginny stuttered out.

"And pray tell me why you have these burns?" She raised an elegant eyebrow at them.

They looked away sheepishly until one spotted the little ball of fluff sitting curled up in his tails on a cot.

"You!" Seamus spat. The others joined in. "You're the reason we are hurt! Wait till I get my hands on you. You will soon wish you were never born!"

Harry flinched back unconsciously and scooted back 'til he hit the wall. Shaking slightly, "It's not as if I don't already..." He said in such a soft voice no one heard him.

Draco saw Harry's actions and had decided that enough was enough. He started to position his wand and perform the spell.

Poppy saw this and quickly spell Draco to sleep and levitated him to a near by cot. Then she directed her wand to the trio and stunned them.

"Petrificus Totalus!"

She quickly sent a patronus to the headmaster. As much as she hated to do this, it had to be done for the safety of Harry. Soon enough, the hospital wing's door burst open and in the headmaster practically bounced.

"Hello, Poppy. To what do I owe the pleasure of this call." He said with his disgusting twinkle in his eyes.

"Well, your students decided it fit to beat poor Harry to the point of unconsciousness and possible brain injury. It is unfit behavior for a student of Hogwarts and any decent human being." She said with a huff.

"We can't have this happening, now can we?" He said with a smile on his face that said it all. He had planned this whole thing. They would have to keep a close eye on the headmaster to make sure he doesn't try anything with Harry. It would be surprising if he didn't.

He levitated the three and made his way on out of the office. Poppy released a sigh she didn't know she was holding. Realizing a second too late, she just remembered that she had forgotten to heal the group. Oh well, they can deal with a little pain. Glancing back at the sleeping boy on the cot, she decided it was best to let him sleep. She would wake him before breakfast. He had a long day and deserved rest, no matter what the boy said. She walked over to her potions cabinet and pulled out a sleeping draught before walking over to the other boy.

"Drink this and get some rest." She said softly. Harry gave her a small nod before downing the potion and falling into a deep sleep. She watched him sleep for a few minutes before heading back to her quarters.

The boy never deserved anything that happened to him, other than his mate of course. With the way he was treated in life, she was certain that the boy thought that he didn't deserve his mate. He was so thoughtless and yet he thought himself so selfish. To think that your mate wouldn't want you probably hurt more than she could imagine. It must have taken great will power to remain friends with his mate as well as allow him to choose who he wants to be with in life, even if it cost him his own life.

The boy deserved every good thing he got in life. She only wished that the monsters that hid and attacked him in the dark would finally meet the light and disappear for good.

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