Chapter 8

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As the week progressed Harry, Pansy, Theodore, and Blaise all got closer and gradually, Harry began to accept each and every one of them into his own 'pack' for lack of a better term. Whenever Draco had to go on business one of the three would be there to keep Harry company, though Draco would pop in every now and then. Harry would still be worried and antsy until his return but the trio would suppress these feelings, they would still be there and he would still feel them, but they were suppressed so that he didn't go off and do something stupid, or worse, someone do something to him. It was currently Tuesday and the trio was outside along with Harry teaching him how to ride a broom. It was good for Harry in multiple ways. It kept his mind off of Draco and his possessive instincts, for one. Harry seemed to enjoy flying at such a young age too even though he wasn't aware of his talent for flying. Theodore was on the broom with Harry, even though he hated to fly, preferring to be on solid ground. Harry felt most at ease with Theodore –who had recently been given the nickname Theo- and thus was pretty much forced to be the one to fly with Harry. Theodore would never admit it out loud, but he really didn't mind flying with Harry. He grew to think of the kit as his little brother and was happy to spend time with the little guy. They couldn't let Draco find out about this little adventure though, because if he did, he would kill them. What's worse is that if they didn't have someone flying with him, Draco would kill them then bring them back again just to repeat the process. The thought was terrifying really. Draco was becoming quite the mother hen.

After a while of riding on the broom, Harry became antsy, the exact thing they were trying to prevent. When Harry began to fidget, Theodore, who is scared of heights and only did it for Harry, was forced to make landing not wanting either one of them to fall to the earth or worse, Theo having a panic attack in mid-air. Not only could one of them die due to falling, but Theodore would be for sure murdered by mother Draco. The three teens wondered what they could do now that their brilliant idea of flying to take his mind off Draco no longer worked. They thought long and hard about what all little kids liked. A light bulb went off in Pansy's head. There is just one thing that all kids love.

"Hey, sweetie, how about we all go out for ice cream?" Harry, though reluctant to do so, nodded excitedly. He looked as if he never had ice cream. What the three teens didn't know is that he never actually had ice cream. The only the reason he agreed to come instead of going to look for his mate who has been gone for a while and search for him.

When the four had arrived at Flourean Fortescue, Harry got one scoop of every flavor ice cream they had, not wanting to miss the chance of trying out the one thing he wanted more than anything. The older kids watched Harry eat the ice cream with a vigor that you would only find in child. They smiled fondly at him as they eat their own plain vanilla slowly. With ice cream being successfully the only thing on Harry's mind, Harry stopped fidgeting. When everybody was done, they headed back to the castle, everyone wondering how Harry eat all that ice cream while Harry just smiled contently.

As they continued to walk, Harry became fidgety again and as time increased, so did the twitches and flinches. As they were walking through the court yard, Harry suddenly feel to the ground screaming, his eyes open but not seeing. There were repeated 'No!' and 'Stop!' Pansy and Blaise were trying to get some response other than the screaming and wake him up, though having no luck. Theodore just stood there, frozen, as he watched little brother writhe in pain and flinch at every slight touch and sound. Pansy, on the verge of panicking, put her Slytherin on and turned to Theodore.

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