Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground

Well I'll tell you my friend one day this worlds going to end

As your lies crumble down a new life she has found!"

Deciding he liked the song, he decided to see what else it had on. He picked another random song and played it.

"Imagine living like a king someday

A single night without a ghost in the walls

And if the bass shakes the earth underground

We'll start a new revolution now!"

Out of the two songs he randomly chosen, he knew that they explained his life perfectly. Deciding that he needed to clear his mind from negative thoughts, he took the IPod and went on a small walk around the Black Lake before needing to return to look for Drake. He looked at the beautiful water and watched as Grindylows saw by and little fish chased each other.

"And I find it kinda funny

I find it kinda sad

The dreams in which I'm dying

Are the best I've ever had"

H walked back to the castle in hopes of finding Drake. Unfortunately, he was used to the concept that when it comes to him, there is no such thing as good luck. He couldn't find him anywhere. As time passed and he had yet to find him, a small pain appeared in the back of his head. He began to panic and looked harder, but of course he just had to find trouble. Harry was cornered by Ron, Seamus, and Ginny. Ron and Seamus were pissed that he defended a Slytherin and attacked Ron. Ginny couldn't care less about Ron; she was pissed for a whole other reason. She couldn't believe that he had picked a Slytherin over her, a boy at that!

"Well, look what the cat dragged in. It's the bloody Slytherin loving fag!" Ron laughed cruelly, Ginny and Seamus joining in soon after. Harry's eyes widened at the insult and his eyes became slight less unfocused as all the insults that his Aunt and Uncle had spewed at him about homosexuals. Ginny took this opportunity and walked straight up to him and slapped the eleven year old hard. "How dare you play with my heart." She spit hatefully at him. Black dots started dancing in his vision as a memory started making its way to the front of his mind. Seamus then grabbed his neck and shoved him against a nearby wall, laughing maniacally. He repeatedly slammed Harry into the wall while spewing insults about him being a nasty, ugly ass gay and that he was completely useless.

Suddenly, Harry was thrust into a memory. His uncle was doing the same exact things. He trembled in fear as a knife trace along his skin. He screamed for the only one who he knew could help him.


The memory was banished from his mind and warmth replaced the cold feeling of fear that he was feeling previously. He opened his eyes and saw Ran standing by him protectively. He yipped and growled at the offenders but they only laughed at the cute three-tailed fox trying to scare them. Ran growled menacingly before black flame shot up and engulfed his body. A few seconds late stood a six or seven year old with silky ebony hair and forest green eyes stood in his place, his three tails swishing back and forth as his ears twitched in an irritated manner.

The only effect that this had on the three was that their eyes widened but it only lasted a second before it vanished. A smirk replaced the shocked look on Rn's face. He turned to the others and said,

"Looks like he's as much of a freak as this one." He punched Harry in the face as if to prove his point. "He thinks he can take us on, how laughable." Seamus and Ginny crackled. Ron took a step closer to Harry. Ran growled in warning but Ron took no heed, instead he kept coming closer to Harry. Ran snarled, showing his sharp fangs, before black fire appeared in his hands. Ron, however, did not notice this due to his attention being on Harry. Ran threw a black fire ball at Ron, the other at the remaining two. They screamed in pain as the fire engulfed them. Ran snapped his fingers, extinguishing the fire before running over to Harry and healing him. He quickly found out that he couldn't do anything for the boy because one, he didn't have so much expertise in the field of healing, only enough to cover the basics. Two, he wouldn't be able to heal without his mate being present.

Ran cursed under his breath before taking Harry into his arms and in a plume of black smoke, teleports to Draco.

"I need to drop everything you're doing and come with me immediately." Draco took one look at Harry and nodded. Ran grabbed his hand before teleporting to the hospital wing and laid Harry on a cot before grabbing Madam Pomfrey and rushing her over to him to start the healing process. When he returned he noticed that Draco had Harry's hand in his and was crying silently.

Whether Draco knew this or not, he was slowly falling in love, and doing it in such an obvious way.

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