Ch 05| Not a secret

Start from the beginning

Park Jimin, the gargoyles on the gate, Mrs.Park, the smoke- everything could wait.

I lost myself into the music, and I felt my body relax with every note that escaped the touch of my hand. For a while, only two things mattered to me. The instrument, and the notes it made.

And with a final chord, I ended the piece and opened my eyes which had closed in the process. I sighed a content sigh, and a soft smile drew across my face.

It had been so long since I had touched a piano.

"You were not joking when you said you played were you Mr. Min?"

I flinched, almost falling off the stool at the sudden sound. I turned my head, to see Mrs. Park,standing in the corner of the room, an amused look on her face.

"I'm sorry," I said, quickly scrambling up; but she waved it off.

"Nonsense, it was beautiful. And I did tell you, that you were free to use anything and everything on the third floor," She reasoned, smiling at me. 

She stepped towards the piano, and her hand glided over it's cover.

I gulped.

That smile seemed menacing now, as if it was planning the best way to end the life of the innocent piano.

Then she decided to make conversation, sitting at the piano herself, and gesturing for me to join her, in the couch that was facing it.

I sat.

"So, Yoongi, have you been in contact with... my son?" She asked,  seeming a little reluctant to voice that it was her son that I had talked to.

"Yes ma'am" I responded.

She quirked an eyebrow, as if waiting for me to elaborate, but I really had nothing to tell her.

"I came from the kitchen, Mr. Min, I saw the messages my son had sent you," She said again.

Fine, she could read them. It was not like I had anything to hide.

"Alright," I said, a little suspicious of where this conversation was heading. It was not like I had asked anything inappropriate, in fact I wasn't the one asking questions in this sorry excuse for a conversation I was having with Park Jimin of room 23.

She inhaled.

"You don't understand, Mr. Min, I sacrificed a day in my business to pick up the pieces of my son's broken heart after you, like everybody else, left, the second you learned who and what you were serving. But here you are, unfazed, playing the piano," She said, frustration evident in her voice.

So that is what she wanted to know.

"Mrs. Park,I understand that it is risky that it's your son I am serving, and that the consequences would be dire but-" I stopped, because she had begun to laugh. A small, high pitched laugh, quite similar to my mother's.

"Aaaah Yoongi, you are just a child aren't you? did you really think all those people quit because the stakes were too high?" She said in between breaths. I had thought that, and felt myself go slightly red in embarrassment as she continued to laugh.

It was not that funny.

"Are you familiar with Park laboratories?" She asked, calming down after a bit.

I shook my head.

"Of course you aren't. But it is not fair that I make you do this, Min Yoongi, and you should know everything, before you decide whether you stay, or whether you go,"

"Why can't  you tell me?" I asked, losing the last shred of patience I had. I did not care for the consequences any more, I just needed answers, plain and simple.

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