When they arrived back at their own private dorms, Poppy reassured him that he was just going threw some memories, from both when he was eleven and some of the more disturbing memories from when he was younger since his body deemed him okay enough to receive them.


It took several hours for Harry to wake up. When he did, he woke up shaking and scared. When he looked around, he saw only Poppy and Severus. When he couldn't find his mate, Harry began to mentally shut down. No matter what Snape of Poppy did Harry just wouldn't respond. After a half a day wasted trying to get Harry to respond to food, flying, or anything, they gave up. The only thing that they could get a reaction out of Harry was from Draco's name, and it wasn't a good one. Harry was swirl into a deeper depression than he already was.

Poppy was pissed with Draco that was for sure.

"Snape, I'm heading out to go find a fetch Draco." With that, she left, leaving an imaginary trail of smoke behind her.

'Oh, Draco better prepare himself for Poppy's wrath.' Severus thought to himself before turning to Harry to watch the boy.


When Pomfrey found Draco, she slapped him good and hard.

"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?" She shouted at him.

"What do you mean." He stared at her in shock.

"What do I mean? What do I mean?!" She screeched. "What I mean is that you need to grow a bloody pair and stop being such a nitwit!"

Draco looked at her in confusion. "Don't run behind the bush because Harry woke up. When he woke up and saw you weren't there, he shut down. We tried everything we could but nothing was working and he was just getting progressively worse." Draco stared at the floor. "I don't care that you're scared. You're his mate. Act like one and go take care of him because if you don't, so help me!" She glared him down. Draco yelped before running off to fix the problem with Harry and apologize dearly for his actions.


Harry was lying in his bed staring at the wall. He pulled the covers over his head before he let out a gut-wrenching sob. He didn't know what he did wrong but all he knew was that his mate had left him and didn't want to see him. These thought alone sent him into a fit of sobs. Severus had not a clue as to what to do. The only answer he had was Draco, but he was at the moment being childish. Hopefully Poppy bit his head off for how he was behaving.

A hesitant knock brought him out of his musings. He got up and answered the door.

There was Draco, with a sheepish smile on his face.

"Ah, nice to see that you could join us, Draco." Snape drawled. There was a sharp gasp from the other side of the room before a small body flew into the closet and locked himself in.

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