"Hurry and find Draco and bring him here. I have a feeling he's the only one who can do anything to help Harry." Theodore continued to just stand there, watching Harry in horror. "Go!" She roared. Theodore broke out of his trance and raced over to find Draco. He went to the place Draco spends most of his time, the potions lab. Bursting into the lab, he spotted Draco talking to Professor Snape. Grabbing his arm, he proceeded to drag him to Harry. Draco looked over at his friend in shock. He saw the wild look in his eyes and knew that this had to be important.

"Theodore what's the matter?" Theodore looked over to Draco with a grave look in his eyes.

"It's Harry. He's having some sort of attack and we can't shake him out of it. Pansy thinks that you're the only person who can wake him from this weird vision thing he's having." Draco was already gone before Theodore got a chance to finish. Even though Draco was never given instructions due to him rushing out, he could somehow sense Harry. Finding the small group of friends, he rushed over. He looked Harry over and saw the poor state of the boy himself. He pulled the boy into a deep hug, whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

"It's okay, baby. Just calm down and come back to me." When he felt Harry's body start to relax ever so slightly, he said, "That's it. Come back. You're safe. Come back." When he felt Harry's body snuggle into his and completely relax he gave a sigh of relief. Draco gave a small smile as he watched his little angel snuggle in his arms.

Everything was perfectly when they were walking back from having ice cream, sure he was a bit fidgety but he passed it off as nerves from not seeing his mate for so long. When he was suddenly thrust into a terrifying memory from when he was five it was an understatement to say that he was terrified.

He was gardening the small, little garden that the Dursley's had. He loved gardening, even though he got sunburned every day and got cuts and scrapes because freaks don't deserve proper tools and protection. Why should I waste my money on a worthless being such as you? While working on the garden he so adored, he stumbled across small baby garden snake. They quickly became companions and he talked to his friend while he worked, though he was always careful to make sure no one was listening or looking.

One day, his aunt stumbled upon the poor hatchling and, being the horse that she was, screeched and got Uncle Vernon who came out with a shovel. Harry watched wide-eyed as his uncle brutally killed his only friend, Aunt Petunia practically screaming bloody murder at me. Harry tried to stop him, he really did, but his whale of an uncle was bigger and stronger. Harry didn't stand a chance against him.

When his uncle decided he was done he backed away, intending to leave the body of the hatchling up for grabs for wild predators. Harry, tears running down his face, moved toward his friend's body, wishing to give him a proper burial. Vernon intercepted him and grabbed him roughly by the arm, dragging him into the house for the awaiting punishment. Petunia followed, throwing accusations at Harry while making some sop story at how the beast tried to kill her. What a bunch of liars!

"That boy!" Petunia shrieked. "He's the devil's child. I saw him talking to the snake! Not even those freaks can do that!"

"Well, boy." Spat the man. "Let me show you just where that freakiness will get you in life." A malicious grin appeared on his face.

The first punch came unexpected to Harry, so he was unprepared. Harry was flung across the floor, his head slammed against the wall. Harry made the mistake of trying to get up. Vernon rounded on the boy and gave a harsh kick to the boy's stomach. Vernon landed a few more punches and kicks before deciding that his work of art was a master piece.

"Listen here, boy, and listen well. This is what will happen to you if you dare show your freakiness here or to anyone else. They wouldn't be as generous as us. They wouldn't give you food, shelter, clothes. You would have nothing. Be grateful, and if I see it happen again, believe me, your punishment will be far worse. Now go to your cupboard. No dinner and don't you dare sneak out." He turned away and turned on the TV in the living room before sitting down on the couch relaxing. Harry headed to his cupboard and locked himself in. He put his head on his lap. He finally let loose nerve wracking sob and tears dropped. He curled into fetal position. The loneliness and coldness of isolation wrapped around him much like the darkness. He laid there for what felt like hours crying until he heard a soft audible whisper. It sounded very familiar but he couldn't for the life of him place his finger on it. When he heard it again a bit louder and clearer, his small cupboard began to warm up and the loneliness began to dissipate. His vision began to blur and everything became black. He felt the warmth of his mate on his side. A small smile appeared on his face as he snuggled into the warmth before letting sweet oblivion take over.

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