𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧.

Start from the beginning

Erin walks over to her sister and says, "hey. He's alive and breathing"

"Yeah, until he's not"

"You can't give up hope, Ri"

"I didn't give up hope when Jules was struggling to live. I held her hand in the ambulance. I was there for her. I prayed and I didn't give up hope and she still died!" Riley says, standing up and leaving the hospital.


"Listen up" Hank says, as the intelligence team is back on the unit, "what Pulpo did downstairs was an attack on our family. First Willhite and now Antonio. So let me be clear. Forget warrants. Forget the rules. It's on us to catch him. And when we do, he's to be handed off to me and Alvin."

Everyone looks at each other in shock, knowing what that statement meant when Jin walks onto the bullpen and says, "they found a possible getaway vehicle up on division."

"Any sign of Pulpo" Adam asks.

"One dead male, no confirmation on the body yet"

"Alright, let's go" Hank says.

"Hey, Sarg? I'm just looking for a little clarification on what you just said" Jay says.

"Pulpo ain't making it back to a jail cell. That clear enough for you?" Hank says, then walks away. Jay looks at his partner and asks, "are you okay with this"

Riley shrugs, getting up from her desk and walks away. Erin catches up with her sister as they walk to their cars and says, "hey. I just talked to Annie. Told her about Charlie"

"How'd she take it?"

"As expected. I told her we would be there for her and Travis. She wants to have a sit down with him"

"Yeah. Travis and Annie are our family"


"What'd we got?" Voight asks the officer as they walk onto the scene.

"All fake. They took a regular van and put the decals on it so it looks like a paddy wagon." The patrol officer says.

"The prison transport van that Pulpo escaped in was found six blocks from the district." Jay states, "he ditched it and switched to this"

"Alright. Where's the body?" Hank asks.

"Over here" the officer says, shining his light at the dead man in the driver's seat.

"Drivers wearing a mall security badge someone bought at an army surplus store" Jake says.

"Forensics ID'd the prints. His name's Carlos Guevera. He's a known bagman for the Colombian cartel" Sumner says.

"Pulpo couldn't let that guy live to talk" Al says.

"Hey guys, Pulpos girlfriend and son were with him" Riley says, as she and Erin look through the back of the van, holding up a kids glove.

"How much you wanna bet he's taking his family unit and high tailing it back to Colombia?" Erin says.

"We got his name, his mug shot at every border checkpoint, train station, airports." Ruzek says.

𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐃, chicago pd ¹Where stories live. Discover now