Chapter 8

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{Rose's POV}

An alarm clock wakes me up and I groan softly as I pull myself up from my laying position. The annoying sound causes me to reach and fumble for my phone before I cut it off. Sitting up, I wipe my eyes and look around for Kaz, having no luck when he's nowhere to be seen. I get up from the bed and grab one of Kaz's shirts from his closet. I walk around the home and find Kaz standing in the sand about five yards away, on his phone having a very heated discussion. I decide to take a quick shower to wash away our previous activities, and slip on a pair of underwear, a bra, and Kaz's shirt that I had on earlier. It smells like him and hangs on me like a dress, so I don't feel exposed when I go out to see him.

I walk up to him slowly and put my hand on his shoulder carefully, he jumps and glares at me before softening his gaze and returning to his phone call. I wrap my arms around him from behind and lay my head on his back, rubbing small circles on one of his abs with my thumb. I don't wanna interrupt his conversation, but I want him to know that I'm here for him. I also want him to go on easy on whoever he's on the phone with because I hate it whenever he yells. "Kaz, you need to relax. You're being too hard on whoever you're on the phone with." I whisper loud enough so he'll hear me but the other person on the phone won't. He pulls his phone away from his ear and looks at me before he gives me a kiss on the cheek. He heaves a small sigh and turns his attention back to his phone call. "Listen, I don't care what you have to do. Just handle the problem and leave me alone on my vacation." Kaz growls into his phone and inclines his head towards the sand a few feet away. "Do you want me to leave?" I whisper and his nods his head. I nod my head and walk away from his a few feet, enough to where I can't hear him but close enough that I'm in his eyesight.

{Kaz's POV}

"We don't know where he is, Kaz. Last we heard, Jackson left the hospital before the police even got there to arrest him." My brother, Tobias, says and I let out an irritated groan. "Are you fucking serious? The cops couldn't even do their damn jobs, and catch the idiot. Does he know where we are?" I ask, careful to keep my voice down so that I won't worry Rose. "I don't think so, but you should probably keep Rose close to you. Make sure to get a few guards, and we shouldn't call each other so much. You need to buy a burner phone, and keep Rose off of hers. Buy her a camera or something." Tobias says and I nod my head to myself, knowing that he can't see it. "I will. I'll buy her a camera tomorrow morning, and send a few guards from the company down here without being seen. I don't need Jackson's dumbass coming down here and taking my princess from me." I say angrily and hear someone call for my brother on his end of the phone.

"I'll do my best here in the states to make sure that that won't happen, but you need to keep a close eye on Rose from your end. Your girlfriend loves to wander around." Tobias advises and I nod my head once again, trying not to let my anger from his statement seep into my voice. "Yeah well I've got something to keep track of her. She's never leaving my sight again." I say quickly, hoping that he'll get the hint that I don't wanna continue this part of our conversation. He seems to get it when he says, "So how's your trip been so far? You haven't called or anything to check up on the company." I smile as I watch Rose press her feet into the sand, making sure to leave footprints. "It's been great actually. Rose and I got a chance to talk everything out, and we're in a really good place. We went out on my boat earlier today, and we had a good time. Then I took her out to lunch and we came home and slept after we did a few other things." I say with another smirk playing on my lips and I can hear my brother groan on his end of the phone. "And with that disgusting news, I'll call you when we find anything out about Jackson. Bye." He says before we hang up and I make my way over to Rose.

{Rose's POV}

I meet Kaz halfway as he walks over towards me, jumping into his arms when we finally meet. "Hey babygirl. How'd you sleep?" He asks as he holds me up and kisses me softly. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back as I reply, "I slept well. Who were you on the phone with? You sounded pretty angry." He puts me down on my feet and shrugs his shoulder. "It was my brother about an employee that's been giving him some trouble while we've been gone." He replies and I nod my head before taking his hands in mine softly. "You should be nicer to your employees. I'm sure it was the guy's first day, and he's just been having a little bit of trouble getting used to everything. You can't just be mean to everyone that works for you, you know. They could quit and end up working for your competition." I say to him and he looks at me with a small smile before he pulls our hands up to his mouth and kisses my knuckles softly. "You're probably right, but I didn't get this far in life by being nice. I'll try harder to be nice to my employees and my family, okay princess?" He says and I nod my head before I smile softly as his gesture. I run my fingers through his hair and he relaxes before he closes his eyes and pulls me tightly into his chest.

"Kaz, what's wrong? Are you okay?" I ask as I pull my head away to look up at him. He just looks down at me and watches me for a long time before he kisses the top of my head. "I'm fine, baby girl. I just can't think of living without you, and I want you to know that I love you so much." He says as he holds my face and kisses me softly. I kiss him back and pull away after a few minutes, getting concerned. "Kaz, you're starting to scare me. What's going on?" I ask, holding his upper arms and getting him to look at me. "I'm fine, princess. I just wanna keep you safe, and I worry about you all of the time. I don't want anyone to take you away from me." He says as he pulls me to his chest and I let him hold me as he rubs small circles into my hips. After about ten minutes of this, I pull away and look at him with a hopeful smile on my lips.

"Hey Kaz? Can we please get those beach pictures that I've been asking for since we got here? Now's the perfect time to do it: the moon's out and the stars look so pretty." I ask as my smile grows bigger and bigger. He nods his head and I run into the house to grab my phone. When I join him back outside, he quickly grabs my phone and does some stuff to it before handing it back to me. "What did you do to my phone?" I ask with a raised eyebrow as he hands it back to me. "Why do you wanna know?" He asks and I cross my arms over my chest and look at him. "Because I wanna know what you did to my phone, Kaz. When we first got here, we promised that we were gonna be honest to each other. Now tell me what you did to my phone." I tell him as I glare at him. He sighs and replies, "I turned off your location on all of your social media accounts. There's been a little incident at the company, and I don't want anyone finding us while we're here. I wanna enjoy our vacation and post everything once we get back." I think it over for a few minutes before I nod my head and put my phone into his pocket.

"Fine. I'd rather look at the stars with you anyway." I say before sitting in the sand and looking up at the sky. Kaz sits next to me before wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his side as he looks up too. "Hey, what if I buy you a polaroid camera tomorrow? That way we can take pictures of a lot of things, and make a scrapbook or a photo album. That way when we're older with children, we can show them these books and tell them about all the fun times we had here." He says, kissing my head and I smile brightly as I nod my head. "That sounds like a great idea, Kaz. I've always wanted a polaroid camera ever since I was little, and I'd love to have embarrassing pictures of you forever." I tell him and he smiles before holding my face and kissing me softly. I run my fingers through his hair and smile as he pulls me closer to his body and makes me look at him. He takes my chin softly and asks, "Are you still wearing that necklace that I gave you when we first got here, baby girl?" I nod my head and show it to him with a proud smile. His smile matches mine and he kisses me again, except it's a lot gentler but I can feel the passion in it. When I pull away to catch my breath he asks, "Can I look at something better than the stars and the moon? With your permission, of course." I feel my skin heat up under my dark skin as I nod my head slowly, suddenly feeling self-conscious about how I look. He offers me a bright smile before pulling me into his chest and carrying me into our bedroom.

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