Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

{Rose's POV}

When we finally make it back to the shore, I'm over the moon with joy. I smile as I hop off of the boat and spin around like a girl from an early 2000's movie, which causes Kaz to laugh. "You better not be laughing at me." I warn him and he only laughs more as he taunts, "I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you. I just find it really funny that you're obsessed with the ground." I roll my eyes at him and he just smiles sheepishly as he makes quick work of tying the boat back up to the dock. "Are you ready to go now, princess?" Kaz asks as he attempts to wrap an arm around my waist. I step away from him and cross my arms over my chest as I look away from him. He stares at me for a few seconds before he tries again and I dodge his advances once again.

"Come on Rose. You can't be mad at me for laughing at you." He says as he holds my hands tightly in his. "Everything you do makes me laugh: from your weird faces that you do whenever works is stressing me out, to your cute little dances whenever you're making me breakfast in the morning. You're my only reason to smile and laugh, so I'm always laughing at you. Most of the time it's usually in admiration, but right now it's from your adorable sense of silliness that I'm hopelessly in love with." I blush as his open declaration of his love for me and he smiles before pulling me into his chest to hug me. Kaz and I get into the cab and he pulls me into his lap as the driver takes us to the restaurant.

Kaz and I get to the restaurant and we thank the driver before we both get out and the driver pulls away, but not before giving us a small smile along with a wave. "So, are you ready to have lunch?" Kaz asks as he puts his hand on the bottom of my back and guides me inside of the restaurant. "I'm more than ready, my love. I thought that you'd never ask." I say with a playful wink and he laughs as he kisses the side of my head before leading me to the hostess' desk.

"Hello and welcome to Onion. Do you two have a reservation?" The woman says as she looks between Kaz and I. Kaz gives her his typical smile that makes men and women (me included) swoon. "Yes ma'am. It's under Booth. We're supposed to have a private dining room to ourselves." He politely says and the woman looks through her book before she nods her head and guides us through a very crowded restaurant. More than a few of the male patrons catch glances at me, but I only hold Kaz's hand in reply to show who I'm happy to be with. The woman shows us to an empty dining room and opens the door for us before she leaves with a disgruntled look on her face.

Kaz pulls out my chair for me and watches me sit down before he sits in the seat across from me. His hand reaches out to touch the spaghetti straps of my dress, and a frown storms his regular features. I frown at this and smooth out the crease in between his eyebrows. He leans into my touch and I smile before moving my hand down to cup his cheek which he also leans into and smiles at me brightly. "Why were you frowning? I don't like it when you frown, Kaz." I mumble softly as my thumb traces his jaw line softly. He hums softly and closes his eyes as he fully gives into my soft touches, so that I won't disturb him. "Hey, answer me." I ask as I poke him on the shoulder. He lifts his head up to look at me and mumbles, "I don't like this dress that you're in. There's way too many people that are able to look at you the way that I do. I really don't like the thought of someone being able to watch your hips sway, seeing your smile slowly start to form, or heaven forbid that one of your straps were to slip off of your shoulder..."

I smile at his worried demeanor and lean over the table to kiss him softly. He immediately kisses me back and wraps a hand around the back of my neck before he pulls me closer to him. I run my fingers through his hair and tug slightly, smiling when he groans against my lips. I pull away slowly and he lets out an angry growl before pulling me back to him and kissing me roughly yet gently. When I pull away this time, I completely pull away and sit back in my chair. He glares at me for a second before regaining his composure and leaning back into his chair as someone enters the room. The person in question is a waiter with a friendly smile and vibrant green eyes with sandy blonde hair. "Hello, and welcome to Onion. My name is Henry and I'll be your waiter for today. What can I start you off with?" He asks and I smile at him kindly and he winks at me before looking at a fuming Kaz. "We'll have some red wine, whatever the chef recommends, and for you to leave us. Now." Kaz snaps at him and the male looks at him fearfully before nodding his head and leaving the room.

I tap my fingers against the table and look at him expectantly while resting my head in my right hand. I continue to do this for a few more minutes until Kaz snaps his head up to look at me. His eyes soften slightly and I know that I have his attention. "Kaz? Why were you so mean to the waiter? He was only trying to take our order, and you were so aggressive towards him." I ask as I hold onto his hand tightly and he sighs before looking at our intertwined hands. "Because I saw how he was looking at you and I may have gotten a little jealous. I don't like guys winking at my girlfriend." He answers and I can see him start to get riled up again. I run my fingers through his hair and he sighs softly as I explain, "You know that I've only got eyes for you. There's no one else that I'd rather be with, I promise you. You mean everything to me Kaz, and you know that." I say and he nods his head before pulling me into his lips and kissing me roughly yet again. The waiter comes back with our wine and our food, but before he leaves I make Kaz apologize. We eat in silence for a little while and then once we're done, we go back home and both fall asleep.

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